Government & Corporate Bond Funds

Government & Corporate Bond Funds

Government & Corporate Bond Funds


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Nations <strong>Funds</strong><br />

Notes to financial statements (continued) (unaudited)<br />

price; put options give the holder the right to sell the Foreign currencies, investments and other assets and<br />

underlying security to the Master Portfolio at a stated liabilities are translated into U.S. dollars at the current<br />

price. In the case of put options, a Master Portfolio is exchange rates. Purchases and sales of investment<br />

required to maintain in a separate account liquid assets securities and income and expenses are translated on the<br />

with a value equal to or greater than the exercise price of respective dates of such transactions. Net realized foreign<br />

the underlying securities. The Master Portfolio may also currency gains and losses resulting from changes in<br />

write combinations of covered puts and calls on the same exchange rates include foreign currency gains and losses<br />

underlying security. When the Portfolio purchases an between trade date and settlement date of securities<br />

option, it pays a premium and an amount equal to that transactions, foreign currency transactions and the<br />

premium is recorded as an asset. When the Portfolio difference between the amounts of interest and dividends<br />

writes an option, it receives a premium and an amount recorded on the books of a Master Portfolio and the<br />

equal to that premium is recorded as a liability. The asset amounts actually received. The effects of changes in<br />

or liability is adjusted daily to reflect the current market foreign currency exchange rates on securities are not<br />

value of the option. separately identified in the Statements of operations from<br />

the effects of changes in market prices of those securities,<br />

The Master Portfolio typically receives a premium from<br />

writing a put or call option, which would increase the<br />

Master Portfolio’s return in the event the option expires<br />

but are included with the net realized and unrealized gain<br />

or loss on securities.<br />

unexercised or is closed out at a profit. The amount of Forward foreign currency transactions: Generally, a<br />

the premium would reflect, among other things, the<br />

Master Portfolio may enter into forward currency<br />

relationship of the market price of the underlying security exchange contracts only under two circumstances:<br />

to the exercise price of the option, the term of the option (i) when a Master Portfolio enters into a contract for the<br />

and the volatility of the market price of the underlying purchase or sale of a security denominated in a foreign<br />

security. By writing a call option, a Master Portfolio currency, to ‘‘lock in’’ the U.S. exchange rate of the<br />

limits its opportunity to profit from any increase in the transaction, with such period being a short-dated contract<br />

market value of the underlying security for an exercise covering the period between transaction date and<br />

price higher than its then current market value, resulting settlement date; or (ii) when the investment adviser or<br />

in potential capital loss if the purchase price exceeds the sub-adviser believes that the currency of a particular<br />

market value plus the amount of the premium received.<br />

foreign country may experience a substantial movement<br />

The Master Portfolio may terminate an option that it has<br />

against the U.S. dollar. Forward foreign currency<br />

contracts are valued at the forward rate and are markedwritten<br />

prior to its expiration by entering into a closing to-market daily. The change in market value is recorded<br />

purchase transaction in which it purchases an option by a Master Portfolio as an unrealized gain or loss. When<br />

having the same terms as the option written. The Master the contract is closed or offset with the same<br />

Portfolio will realize a profit or loss from such counterparty, a Master Portfolio records a realized gain<br />

transaction in which it purchases an option having the or loss equal to the difference between the value of the<br />

same terms as the option written. The Master Portfolio contract at the time it was opened and the value at the<br />

will realize a profit or loss from such transaction if the time it was closed or offset.<br />

cost of such transaction is less or more than the premium<br />

received from the writing of the option. In the case of a Forward foreign currency contracts will be used primarily<br />

put option, any loss so incurred may be partially or<br />

to protect the Master Portfolios from adverse currency<br />

entirely offset by the premium received from a<br />

movements and will generally not be entered into for<br />

simultaneous or subsequent sale of a different put option. terms greater than one year. The use of forward foreign<br />

Because increases in the market price of a call option currency contracts does not eliminate fluctuations in the<br />

will generally reflect increases in the market price of the underlying prices of a Master Portfolio’s investment<br />

underlying security, any loss resulting from the<br />

securities; however, it does establish a rate of exchange<br />

repurchase of a call option is likely to be offset in whole that can be achieved in the future. The use of forward<br />

or in part by unrealized appreciation of the underlying foreign currency contracts involves the risk that<br />

security owned by a Master Portfolio.<br />

anticipated currency movements will not be accurately<br />

predicted. A forward foreign currency contract would<br />

Foreign currency transactions: The books and records limit the risk of loss due to a decline in the value of a<br />

of the Master Portfolios are maintained in U.S. dollars. particular currency; however, it also would limit any<br />


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