Mine to Market March-April 2012 - Mount Isa Mines

Mine to Market March-April 2012 - Mount Isa Mines

Mine to Market March-April 2012 - Mount Isa Mines

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XstrataTechnologyleadingthe wayOperationsRobotic Cathode StrippingMachine – “the first of its kindin the world” – outlines theprogressive, forward-thinkingfrom Xstrata TechnologyMore than a year of trials and testingfrom Xstrata Technology (XT) culminatedin the installation and commissioning ofa new Robotic Cathode StrippingMachine (RCSM) at Lady Annie <strong>Mine</strong>in December 2011.The RCSM – a joint project between XT,Mesco and CST Mining – is the first of itskind in the world.John Doolan – General ManagerTankhouse Technology at XT, said theTownsville team played an important rolein manufacturing the RCSM.Robotic Cathode Stripping Machine“This has been the culmination ofseveral years of development and trialworks carried out with the robots byXT personnel in Townsville, led by OlaEriksson – Tankhouse Engineering andManufacturing Manager,” John said.“The concept has been successfullydeveloped, trialled and patented by XT,giving us another ‘first’ in the world ofCopper Tankhouse Technology.”The use of robots in stripping machineshas been around for many years, and wasfirst introduced <strong>to</strong> the industry by XT’sCanadian technology group, when therobots were used for material handling only.“Our Townsville engineers saw theopportunity <strong>to</strong> take this <strong>to</strong> the next levelso they developed a machine that usesthe robots <strong>to</strong> not only pick and place thecathode plates, but also strip and handlethe copper cathode deposit from themotherplate,” John said.The RCSM is now in production at LadyAnnie <strong>Mine</strong> and is capable of operating ata capacity of 114 cathodes per hour.The RCSM uses two 600kg payloadrobots with patented end-of-arm <strong>to</strong>olingfor cathode plate handling and stripping.“Congratulations and special thanksmust go <strong>to</strong> all involved,” John said.Bowen Ram CarUser-friendly: The upgraded Ram Car at BowenCoke Works has been a welcome addition atthe Bowen Coke Works.After 34 years of operation,the Ram Car at Bowen CokeWorks has been replaced withan advanced model.The original Ram Car was originally asecond hand purchase in 1977, bought<strong>to</strong> push the charge of coking coal out ofthe 52 ovens at the end of the three-daycooking cycle.The project of replacing the Ram Carcommenced as the operations at BowenCoke Works continue <strong>to</strong> work <strong>to</strong>wards asafer working environment, and ensuringreliable production.One of the primary aims of the projectwas <strong>to</strong> eliminate regular issues such asbroken bearing housings, the Ram Carbeing pushed off the railway track, andthe spillage of coke when the ram bladeretracts from the oven.In September 2011, the initial assemblyof the Ram Car began at the TownsvilleCopper Refinery (CRL).In December 2011, the Ram Car wasmobilised <strong>to</strong> Bowen Coke for a trial fitting,and then commissioned over two weeks.Delivery of the Ram Car was an earlyChristmas present for the Bowen Coketeam, said Bruce Coles – SuperintendentXstrata Zinc Bowen Coke.“The new ram car is much safer andmore reliable <strong>to</strong> operate,” Bruce said.“As with all new equipment there is aperiod of adjustment, but the new car issmoother, quieter and more comfortable<strong>to</strong> operate. Once the opera<strong>to</strong>rs becomemore accus<strong>to</strong>med <strong>to</strong> operating the newmachine it will be much more efficient.”A new owners manual has also beendeveloped <strong>to</strong> provide in-depth operatingand maintenance instructions for trainingpurposes, due <strong>to</strong> the car having newfeatures, and in the event of a randomfailure, set procedures are in place.Huge thanks must be given <strong>to</strong> JustinRemmer and staff at CRL whom assistedwith this project across the projects life.20 mine <strong>to</strong> market

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