Hong Kong Manufacturing SMEs: Preparing for the Future

Hong Kong Manufacturing SMEs: Preparing for the Future

Hong Kong Manufacturing SMEs: Preparing for the Future

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51factory in Cheung Sha Wan. The company openeda components factory in Dongguan in 2003, butdoes all of its watch assembly in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> andSwitzerland. The company has 150 employees in<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>, 400 employees in Mainalnd China, and25 employees in Switzerland. Roughly 40 per centof revenues come from <strong>the</strong> OEM business, 20 percent from <strong>the</strong> OBM business, and 40 per cent fromretailing. The OEM business is 30 per cent from <strong>the</strong>US, 30 per cent from Europe, and 40 per cent from<strong>the</strong> rest of <strong>the</strong> world. In <strong>the</strong> period 1983 to 2010,Renley’s revenues increased more than twentyfold.Issues and ChallengesRenley has faced a number of significant challengesin <strong>the</strong> course of its history. One has been a seriesof economic downturns. The global economicdownturn associated with <strong>the</strong> dot com collapseand <strong>the</strong> 9/11 attacks affected markets worldwide.During <strong>the</strong> SARS period in 2003, suddenly <strong>the</strong>rewere no customers and no business, but <strong>the</strong> costs<strong>for</strong> rent and staff still needed to be covered. Similarissues arose during <strong>the</strong> global economic downturnof 2008-2009, with business down sharply anduncertain prospects. Fortunately business reboundedin 2010 to more normal levels.Ano<strong>the</strong>r major issue has been competitive pressures.In <strong>the</strong> branded watch business, Swiss and Japanesecompanies are <strong>the</strong> main competitors, but in general<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> companies can do reasonably well inmoderately-priced branded watches. In <strong>the</strong> OEMbusiness, however, strong competitive pressurecomes from companies that are manufacturing in<strong>the</strong> Chinese Mainland. Customers use quotations<strong>for</strong> contract manufacturing in China to try to obtainlower prices. While producing in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> meansthat Renley has not had to face rapidly rising wagesin <strong>the</strong> Pearl River Delta to a great extent, its <strong>Hong</strong><strong>Kong</strong> work<strong>for</strong>ce receives wages on <strong>the</strong> order of threetimes that received in <strong>the</strong> PRD, which has heightened<strong>the</strong> competitive pressures in <strong>the</strong> OEM business.In addition to wages, even finding <strong>the</strong> right workersin <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> has been a challenge at times inspite of <strong>the</strong> fact that Renley pays comparativelyhigh wages <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> industry. This is due to a generalshortage of workers in <strong>the</strong> industry in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>.Not having sufficient workers has made it difficultto expand as quickly as Renley might like and mayeventually make it difficult to continue to producewatches in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> if a sufficient number ofworkers cannot be found.Managing cash flow was an early issue <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>company. As a small factory, Renley struggled tocollect cash quickly from its customers in order to beable to pay suppliers and staff in a timely manner.In its first months of operation, Renley focusedon developing <strong>the</strong> documentation and bankingrelations in order to ensure that its trade finance,payments, and receipt system was in place so that<strong>the</strong> company could meet its cash commitments.Ano<strong>the</strong>r challenge in Renley’s early history waswhen a customer that accounted <strong>for</strong> 60 per cent ofRenley’s business ran into difficulty. Renley suddenlyhad to fill <strong>the</strong> gap that was left as <strong>the</strong>ir largestsource of revenue retreated.Expanding into branded watches and retailingalso presented challenges. The branded watchbusiness was unfamiliar to Renley’s management.Renley’s team knew how to make watches, but nothow to manage a brand. Similar difficulties wereencountered when Renley moved into retailing.Some of <strong>the</strong> retail outlets that were set up in <strong>the</strong>early days were in poor locations and <strong>the</strong> companyended up having to close <strong>the</strong>m. The sharp increasein rent in some locations was also unexpected andcreated difficulties. Renley estimates it took threeto five years to work out issues associated with itsinitial <strong>for</strong>ays into branded goods and retailing.

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