Hong Kong Manufacturing SMEs: Preparing for the Future

Hong Kong Manufacturing SMEs: Preparing for the Future

Hong Kong Manufacturing SMEs: Preparing for the Future

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85• Companies that try to compete based purely onfinancial strength ra<strong>the</strong>r than on o<strong>the</strong>r factorslike quality, innovation, flexibility, and reliability,will have to fight hard to survive• <strong>SMEs</strong> should focus on developing a niche market.Being a niche operator allows an SME to be moreflexible, to make decisions faster, to more quicklyadopt new and suitable technologies, and torapidly respond to market changes. This createsadvantages that are hard <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> large Mainlandmould and die manufacturers to competeagainst,• The mould and die industry is capital intensiveand <strong>the</strong> technology is fast evolving. To remaincompetitive, firms should consider how <strong>the</strong>ywill fund ongoing investments in research anddevelopment and facilities.• Increased environmental and pollution concernsmean that a firm that can claim status as beingenvironmentally friendly is likely to improve itschances of securing business and developing newbusiness relationships.• <strong>SMEs</strong> won’t have <strong>the</strong> money to spend tomake quantum leaps in <strong>the</strong> development oftechnology, but <strong>the</strong>y can be alert to advancesin technology and apply new technology wheno<strong>the</strong>rs develop it.• Quality accreditation is an important signalto customers that <strong>the</strong> company is committedto quality and is a means of driving internalimprovements.The Toy Industry<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> companies play an extremely importantrole in <strong>the</strong> world toy industry. Toge<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>and <strong>the</strong> Chinese Mainland account <strong>for</strong> around 75per cent of global toy manufacturing. Over 70 percent of <strong>the</strong> toy manufacturers in China are basedin Guangdong Province, mostly in Dongguan,and many of <strong>the</strong>m are <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> companies. 161<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>’s toy industry produces a wide varietyof products. <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> toy manufacturers havedeveloped deep market, customer, logistics, andproduction knowledge and have broad networks.Although increasingly challenged by indigenousChinese enterprises, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> toy manufacturersdistinguish <strong>the</strong>mselves from competitors through<strong>the</strong>ir quick responses, efficiency, reliability, andthrough <strong>the</strong>ir compliance with common standards,regulations, intellectual property rights, and codesof practices; <strong>the</strong> latter features all being critical tosecuring OEM orders from overseas industry giantswho require ethical sourcing practices.Most <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> toy manufacturers engage in OEMproduction, mainly in <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>m of export processingin Guangdong Province. There is, however, agrowing trend <strong>for</strong> <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> toy manufacturersto pursue higher value-added activities like productdesign, prototype manufacturing, and branding.Several famous brands have been developed by<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> toy manufacturers including Playmates,May Cheong, Silverlit, Toy2R, and Hot Toys.161 www.glokids.cn.

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