Hong Kong Manufacturing SMEs: Preparing for the Future

Hong Kong Manufacturing SMEs: Preparing for the Future

Hong Kong Manufacturing SMEs: Preparing for the Future

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92In 2006 <strong>the</strong> company launched “PicooZ,” a microsizedremote control toy helicopter <strong>for</strong> indooroperation. The first shipment of 2.5 million unitssold out as soon as <strong>the</strong>y hit stores. The PicooZhas been hailed as “changing <strong>the</strong> world of playby creating a new segment of high-tech toy thatappealed to customers from office girls in Japanto grandparents in Europe.” 175 Silverlit teamed upwith Canada’s Spin Master Limited, which sells<strong>the</strong> PicooZ under Spin Master’s Air Hogs brand inNorth America, while Silverlit sells it in <strong>the</strong> rest of<strong>the</strong> world. Silverlit deepened <strong>the</strong> relationship withSpin Master by agreeing to produce 60 per cent ofAir Hogs toys <strong>the</strong>reby becoming Spin Master’s mainOEM partner.Seeing <strong>the</strong> potential <strong>for</strong> crossover between <strong>the</strong>toy and entertainment industries, Silverlit enteredinto a partnership in 2007 with a Mainland Chinamedia company to produce a cartoon series entitled“Golden Hero.” Golden Hero is broadcast by manylocal television stations in China and <strong>the</strong> firm hasfound that sales of <strong>the</strong> toys that are featured in<strong>the</strong> series increase by between 10 and 20 per centin markets in which <strong>the</strong> series is shown each timethat <strong>the</strong> series is aired. In 2009, Silverlit bought <strong>the</strong>French pre-school brand Ouaps, whose emphasison innovative technology and quality fitted wellwith Silverlit.Issues and ChallengesSilverlit has faced a number of significant challengesduring <strong>the</strong> past 30 years. The global economicdownturn particularly affected some of Silverlit’smajor markets, such as <strong>the</strong> US, <strong>the</strong> UK, and Spainand recovery has been slower than Silverlit wouldlike. There has been a noticeable decrease in ordersand buyers are placing smaller and more frequentorders which makes production planning moredifficult <strong>for</strong> Silverlit.175 ESA Project Interview with Sarah Monks, 2010-05-18, quotingSilverlit managing director Kevin Choi Kei-fung.Keeping production costs down in <strong>the</strong> face ofincreases in minimum wages (<strong>for</strong> both Silverlit andsuppliers), appreciation of <strong>the</strong> RMB, and increasesin o<strong>the</strong>r input costs is an ongoing challenge.Finding sufficient numbers of workers is a problemas it is <strong>for</strong> all manufacturers in Dongguan. This isparticularly true <strong>for</strong> managerial talent because <strong>the</strong>city lacks higher education institutions. Althoughwages in toy factories around <strong>the</strong> PRD are similar,o<strong>the</strong>r factors such as <strong>the</strong> working and livingconditions are becoming more important as workerscan easily get in<strong>for</strong>mation on conditions via mobilephones or <strong>the</strong> internet.Ano<strong>the</strong>r challenge has been an inability to raiseprices to offset cost increases. Silverlit doesn’t seethis situation changing in <strong>the</strong> near term as parentsbuy cheaper toys <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir children, and <strong>the</strong> bigretailers squeeze manufacturer margins to preserve<strong>the</strong>ir own. Still ano<strong>the</strong>r challenge has been to stayahead of Chinese toy companies as <strong>the</strong>y beginto invest more in innovation. Silverlit expects thatMainland firms will soon compete <strong>for</strong> orders fromlarge retailers in big markets through design andvalue added features.Silverlit has found intellectual property infringementto be a big issue. Several years ago <strong>the</strong> firmstarted losing orders <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> PicooZ in Europe andelsewhere to counterfeit products. Although <strong>the</strong>firm has noticed a genuine commitment on <strong>the</strong>part of China’s Central Government to improveintellectual property protection, it finds en<strong>for</strong>cementat <strong>the</strong> local level lacking.Selling in <strong>the</strong> China market requires 3C qualitycertification. This certification is difficult, timeconsuming, and costly <strong>for</strong> firms like Silverlit toobtain. However, in many cities in China, many lowquality products have obtained 3C certification,suggesting that <strong>the</strong>ir quality is on par with Silverlit’s,and making it difficult to differentiate in <strong>the</strong>selocations. While certification standards are strict inShanghai and Beijing, and reasonably strict in citieslike Nanjing and Hangzhou, <strong>the</strong> process is clearlyless stringent in most o<strong>the</strong>r cities in China.

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