Hong Kong Manufacturing SMEs: Preparing for the Future

Hong Kong Manufacturing SMEs: Preparing for the Future

Hong Kong Manufacturing SMEs: Preparing for the Future

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52Renley has faced no major regulatory issues and<strong>the</strong> company’s experience in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> andSwitzerland has been similar with both locationsbeing transparent in terms of what is required ofcompanies. In China, <strong>the</strong> regulatory environmentis more challenging. Government officials take amore active interest in <strong>the</strong> business and it is likelythat companies will be visited by <strong>the</strong> Labour Bureau,<strong>the</strong> Tax office, and Customs officials, who are likelyto tour <strong>the</strong> company’s factories. Cooperating with<strong>the</strong>se officials takes time and costs money. In generalterms, doing business in Switzerland and <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>is far simpler than doing business in China.Company StrategyWhile Mr Lau doesn’t view Renley as being all thatsuccessful and comments that <strong>the</strong> company is “stilllearning,” <strong>the</strong> reality is that Renley has survivedand grown through some difficult periods. MrLau attributes this record in part to <strong>for</strong>esight. Hebelieves that whatever <strong>the</strong> industry, a company’smanagement should <strong>for</strong>ecast <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> next 10 years.In <strong>the</strong> case of Renley he points out that “nowadayseverybody is talking about branding, but we weredoing research and development in Switzerland andstarted a branded watch business long be<strong>for</strong>e it wasa very popular strategy. Friends took <strong>the</strong> view thatour OEM business was good and that we shouldjust focus on that, but I could see that just doingOEM had limited potential. Some of <strong>the</strong> companiesthat we used to compete with in doing OEM arenow out of business.”As o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> watch manufacturers weremoving production to <strong>the</strong> Chinese Mainland in <strong>the</strong>early 1990s, Renley decided to differentiate itselffrom <strong>the</strong> competition by staying in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> andobtaining facilities in Switzerland to make highervaluewatches. At around <strong>the</strong> same time, Renleyacquired three Swiss watch brands, including brands,technology, stores, and in one case a factory.Renley’s manufacturing and branded businessesin Switzerland keep it in close contact with <strong>the</strong>Swiss market, resulting in good contacts with o<strong>the</strong>rindustry players, bankers and o<strong>the</strong>r professionalsthat work with watchmakers. In recent years, Renleyhas been more active in selling its branded productsinto <strong>the</strong> Chinese Mainland. Renley finds that someChinese customers prefer a <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> madewatch because <strong>the</strong>y are generally better quality thanwatches made in Mainland China.Although Renley produces some of its owncomponents, it is principally an assembler with keycomponents purchased from Switzerland, Japan,Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, and China. The companyhas decided not to relocate its main manufacturingto <strong>the</strong> Chinese Mainland. It sees merit in continuingto do most of its manufacturing in Switzerland and<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>. This is due in significant part to <strong>the</strong>fact that Swiss-made watches and to a less extent<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>-made watches can command a pricepremium versus o<strong>the</strong>r watches. An advantage ofmanufacturing in <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> is <strong>the</strong> flexibility tosource components from different supply locationssuch as Japan and <strong>the</strong> PRD, which allows Renley tofocus more on design.Renley’s strategy is not to chase o<strong>the</strong>r companiesin trying to make cheaper and cheaper watches,it is to make better quality watches in Switzerlandand <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> that will sell at a higher price.The strategy is to carve out a niche in makingwatches that are innovative and well designed,and to follow-up with good service. This approachis supported by a research and development staffof 10 and <strong>the</strong> ability to make watch samples in acontrolled environment that minimises <strong>the</strong> risk thatdesigns will be appropriated by o<strong>the</strong>rs.Renley’s retailing activities began in 1999. Asubsidiary, “Global Timepieces,” was set up as aseparate company that would sell a range of watchbrands such as Cartier, Omega, Piaget, and o<strong>the</strong>rs,not just Renley-owned brands. In Mr Lau’s view, thismade Global Timepieces more competitive as a watchretailer. The opening of <strong>the</strong> watch retailing businessresulted in Renley being diversified across <strong>the</strong> watchsector as an OEM, ODM, and OBM company, giving<strong>the</strong> company greater depth and strength.

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