Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

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AtISSUECongressional Responses toSupreme Court Decisions: DistinguishingConstitutionality and WisdomBy Gerald GuntherWilliam Nelson CromwellProfessor ofLawThe failure of the New Right'sassault on the Supreme Courtlast year was widely portrayed-especially in the media andpolitical forums - as just desert forthe movement's resort to "illegitimate"weapons.The assault involved two majorproposals before the Ninety-seventhCongress venting disagreement withcontroversial Supreme Court decisionson abortion and school prayer.Both were blocked in the Senate by afilibuster. However, similar legislativeproposals by the New Righ~. arepending before the present Congress.The conventional wisdom assertsthat Congress has no business tryingto curb Court rulings by a majorityvote and that the only legal route forchallenging Court decisions is theconstitutional amendment process.The conventional wisdom strikes24 <strong>Stanford</strong> <strong>Lawyer</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>1983</strong>

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