Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

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FACULTV NOTES (cant.) Professor Gunther was at <strong>Stanford</strong>. In Decem- be the first member ofthe <strong>Stanford</strong> Humanities recently honored in the ber, his article "Pigovian the Corporation to haveCenter. He will spend dedication of the 1982 Taxation with Administra- been a female under-<strong>1983</strong>/84 at the Center edition of the Supreme tive Costs" (coauthored graduate at Yale.exploring the role of nar- Court Review. The in- with Professor Stevenrative in case law. Last scription read: "To Shavell of Harvard Law Professor Michael S.October, Grey presented Gerald Gunther - For School) was published in Wald has been aptheMellon Lecture at the whom the Constitution is the Journal of Public pointed to the Juvenile<strong>University</strong> of Pittsburgh a guide and not a tool." Economics. Justice Commission ofLaw School; an ex- Polinsky participated Santa Clara County. Anpanded version, entitled Professor J. Myron in two interesting events authority on family and"Langdell's Orthodoxy," Jacobstein participated this spring: a colloquium juvenile law, Wald haswill appear soon in the in a panel on law librar- in New Orleans, "Dam- helped draft legislationPittsburgh Law Review. ies for the Dean's Work- ages in Contract Law," dealing with child abuseProfessor Grey recent- shop at the American sponsored by the Law and neglect. The Comlyserved (as an outside Bar Association meeting and Economics Center mission is a citizenmember) on the Anthro- in February. That same of Emory <strong>University</strong>; and body, mandated by stapologyDepartment com- month, he journeyed to a CEPR workshop, "In- tute, which monitors themittee that recom- Costa Rica to attend a centives in Markets and performance of Countymended expulsion of seminar on human rights Organizations," held at agencies dealing with ju-China-researcher Steven research, sponsored by <strong>Stanford</strong>. veniles, reviewsMosher. "Regrettably - the Inter-American Insti- budgets, and providesbecause some evidence tute on Human Rights. Professor Robert Rabin advice and counsel tomight endanger innocent saw the second edition County authorities. Inparties - our report John Kaplan, Jackson of his book Perspectives addition, Professor Waldcould not be published," Eli Reynolds Professor of on Tort Law (Little, has been elected to thehe notes, "nor could the Law, was an honored Brown & Co.) published board of the Nationalgrounds for expulsion be guest on two campuses in February. He is now Committee for the Prerevealed."this winter: <strong>University</strong> of writing a new book, on vention of Child Abuse,Illinois, Champaign- the historical develop- and of the National Ju-Gerald Gunther, William Urbana, where he gave ment of the federal reg- venile Law Center. ThisNelson Cromwell Pro- the Baum Lecture (on ulatory system. Rabin past year, as a Gugfessorof Law, has pre- "Capital Punishment"); served as a panelist in genheim Fellow, he haspared an extensive dis- and Florida State Uni- January for a roundtable been working on a bookcussion paper for the versity, Tallahassee, for on torts, sponsored by on child abuse and ne-<strong>1983</strong> Chief Justice Earl the Mason Ladd Lecture. the American Associa- glect.Warren Conference of Both universities plan to tion of Law Schools. And•the Roscoe Pound Amer- publish the lectures in in February, he preicanTrial <strong>Lawyer</strong>s their respective law sented a paper - "Legi-Foundation. The annual reviews. timacy, Discretion, andConference, held this A book by Kaplan, the Concept of Rights"year in Charlottesville, The Hardest Drug - - at a Yale conferenceVirginia, is attended by Heroin and Public Policy, on the legacy of the Newan invited grou p of par- has just been published Deal. The paper willticipants from the bench, by the <strong>University</strong> of Chi- appear soon in the Yalebar, academia, govern- cago Press. (An article Law Journal.ment, and the media. drawn from the book be-Gunther's paper, "Con- gins on P. 4.) Professor Deborahgressional Power to Cur-Rhode is now a fellow oftail Federal Court Juris- A. Mitchell Polinsky·, the Yale Corporation, thediction: An Opinionated professor of law and governing body of YaleGuide to the Ongoing associate 'professor of <strong>University</strong>. She wasDebate," will be pub- economics, has been elected by alumni/ae tolished (together with the appointed to the steering the seat previously helddiscussion by Confer- committee of the new by Bayless Manningence participants) by the Center for Economic (former dean of <strong>Stanford</strong>Foundation. Policy Research (CEPR) Law School). Rhode will60 <strong>Stanford</strong> <strong>Lawyer</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>1983</strong>

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