Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

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Hurlbut WinnerTalks AboutTeachingProfessor Paul GOldsteinthe first two-time winner'of the John BinghamHurlbut Award for Excellencein Teaching,described his classroomapproach in a recent interview."My aim in preparinga class," he explained,"is to identify the one ortwo central, most problematicissues in thearea being covered andthen to devise a seriesof questions for pursuingthese issues."Although I don't usethe classic case methodtechnique," he continued,"questions doplaya very large part inmy classes."I like to begin by exploringthe rule embodiedin a case or statuteand then engage thestudents in an appraisalof the rule's desirability- as measured bytheory, by consistencywith doctrine, and by therule's implications, if any,for the ways in whichfirms and individualsstructure their behavior."I calion students," headded, "rather than relyexclusively on volunteers.I find that it's auseful technique forkeeping the entire classinvolved and for givingme a sense of each student'sstrengths.". Goldstein is an expertIn real property and intellectualproperty law.His third casebook inthese areas will be publishedin the spring.Has his teaching stylechanged over the years?"The emphasis hasshifted," he replied. "Ihave in the past fewyears been focusingmore on the real-worldeffects of legal rules ­on the discrepancies be-Goldsteintween legal rules andhow people actually behave."This emphasis stemsin part from Goldstein'sexperience in law practiceduring two semesterleaves of absence, mostrecently at Morrison &Foerster in San Francisco.He is also frequentlyretai ned as a consuItanton copyright and relatedintellectual propertymatters. (An article byGoldstein on the right ofpublicity appeared in theprevious issue of <strong>Stanford</strong><strong>Lawyer</strong>.)Goldstein and his wifeJan Thompson (an arthistorian on the <strong>University</strong>of Santa Clara faculty),have a 9-month-olddaughter.•Law Review Names <strong>1983</strong>/84 StaffStu~ents serving on the staff of the <strong>1983</strong>/84, LawReView mustered last spring for a group photo. Picturedare: (back ~ow, (eft to right) Tony Richardson,Geoff Berman, Mike Zigler, Bob Lewis, Bob Woll,and Charles Van Cott; (middle row) Harsha Murthy~hris Painter, Glenn Lazar, and Paul Cassell (Pre- 'sldent); ~nd (front row) Dave Evans, Palma Strand,and Marilyn Drees. Not shown are Michael PowlenJohn Faulkner, and Mike Walch.''New Alumni/aeDirectory IsPlannedPreparations are now underway for publicationof a new directory of all<strong>Stanford</strong> Law graduatesand other former studentsof the School.. Th~ directory will provide,In a single volume,an alphabetical listing ofnames and addressesalong with listings by ,class year and bygeographic location.The previous <strong>Stanford</strong>La~ alumni/ae directory,which appeared in 1973is now ten years old. Th~new edition, scheduledfor 1984, will include allclasses through <strong>1983</strong>.Brief questionnaires toconfirm and update in-formation will be in themail to each alumnus/asoon, along with a formfor ordering the volume~t a special prepublicationrate.Ouestions about theproject, which is plannedon a break-even basiscan be answered by ElizabethLucchesi, Directorof Alumni/ae Relations,at (415) 497-27<strong>30</strong>.•56 <strong>Stanford</strong> <strong>Lawyer</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>1983</strong>

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