Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

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A MESSAGE FROM THELAW FUND PRESIDENTOn December 31, 1981, John O'Connor finished two successfulterms as President of the Law Fund. We aregrateful for his significant contribution to the growth ofthe Law Fund during his Presidency, but succeeding aveteran fund raiser like John was no easy task. I amhappy to report, though, that 1982 marked another year ofgrowth for the Law Fund, a remarkable achievement inlight of the unfavorable economic climate in 1982. It istherefore particularly gratifying that, despite the uncertaineconomy, the Law School's alumni/ae and friends demonstratedto the new Dean their continued strong support ofthe School.Donors and volunteers are listed herein, but I want toadd my deepest thanks to each and every donor and toeach and every Law Fund volunteer. Over 200 alumni/aeserved their alma mater as Law Fund volunteers in 1982,and I want to personally thank each one of them for theircapable and dedicated efforts.I hope you enjoy the Commencement <strong>1983</strong> photoswithin this report. As you think back to your own graduation,I hope you will reflect on the School's impact on yourown life and career since then. And as you read throughthe accompanying issue of the <strong>Stanford</strong> <strong>Lawyer</strong> andreflect upon the many accomplishments of faculty,students, and your fellow alumni/ae, remember that yourgifts helped make <strong>Stanford</strong> Law School's achievementspossible. It is my great hope that all of you who aredonors will continue to give and that the rest of you willjoin us in helping <strong>Stanford</strong> Law School build further uponthe success it is enjoying today.~~Myrl R. Scott '55President, 1982<strong>Stanford</strong> Law Fund4<strong>Stanford</strong> Law Fund 1982

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