Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

Fall 1983 – Issue 30 - Stanford Lawyer - Stanford University

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c~NOTESand had been prominent in a number ofhigh-level political campaigns.Lately Jean Blum has been spendingless time in his Acapulco "vacation" abodeand more at his Los Gatos residence.Jean is devoting much of his interests tohis duties as chairman of the Long RangePlanning Committee of the Board ofTrustees of his pet philanthropy, the LosGatos Community Hospital. He was oneof the founding directors and for manyyears served as counsel for the hospital.Had a recent phone conversation withWally (The Honorable Walter E.)Craig of Phoenix. Still active as a judgeof the U.S. District Court, Wally is continuingto enjoy judicial assignments in anumber of distant areas. He had justfinished five weeks handling the civildocket in Knoxville, Tennessee; recentlysat in Reno in connection with a numberof interesting Indian claims in thePyramid Lake area; and is still"working" on the Indian fishing cases inOregon and Washington.This spring the Student Bar Associationof Pepperdine <strong>University</strong> LawSchool, Los Angeles, sponsored a hugeretirement dinner at Bellaire CountryClub for our Professor Wadieh S.Shibley as he finished a long career onthe law school faculty at Pepperdine.Although now in an emeritus status,'Wadieh considers himself only semiretiredand expects to continue teachingon a limited basis.Unfortunately Wadieh had to undergoheart surgery at St. Vincent's Hospital, .Los Angeles, shortly after his retirement,but at last report was well on theroad to recovery.Recently your correspondent (DickRyan, of course) attended a large luncheonat which a group of the morevenerable alumni of Long BeachPolytechnic High School paid tribute totheir contemporaries of the bench andbar. Our classmates attending includingWadieh and his brother George E.:Shibley, who is in private practice inLong Beach with his two sons.One of the special guests was TheHonorable Charles C. (Chuck)Stratton ('28) recently retired fromthe superior bench, Los Angeles County.Others with <strong>Stanford</strong> background includedWalter J. Desmond, Jr.('33), who has a busy probate practicein Long Beach; Lynn O. Hossom.('<strong>30</strong>), retired General Counsel of HancockOil Company; Col. John W.72Doran, AUS (Ret.), who spent a year atthe Law School about 1932; and WilliamV. Artman, a former <strong>Stanford</strong>undergraduate who, like his late brother,Corwin, was a stalwart on the <strong>Stanford</strong>Varsity during the time of Pop Warnerand Tiny Thornhill. Bill was counsel forthe Veterans Administration in the LosAngeles area for many years.With his finesse and expertise in fundraising, developed during his long careeras secretary to the university, DaveJacobson has, since his retirementbeen serving from time to time as a consultantfor other schools and colleges inconnection with their money-raisingcampaigns. He has a very interesting internationalproject in hand now as a consultantfor the Gregorian <strong>University</strong> ofRome, Italy, administered by the JesuitOrder.The Jacobsons have enjoyed a considerableamount of travel since Dave'sretirement. Their latest was a cruisethrough the inland waterway from Savannah,Georgia, to Baltimore.1935Stanley J. MaddenPillsbury, Madison & SutroP.O. Box 7880San Francisco, CA 941201936Mary R. Mulcahy1150 Swanston DriveSacramento, CA 958181937John Bennett King550 Hamilton AvenuePalo Alto, CA 94<strong>30</strong>1Nick Alaga writes: "I'm still alive."Alger Fast and his wife plan to spendfive weeks in Italy this summer, duringwhich time they will attend a two-weekseminar at the Florence campus.Dick Hungate spends willter monthsat Leisure World in Laguna Hills andsummer months on Priest Lake in Idaho.He enjoys tennis, golf, skiing, sailing, andwind-surfing. He also plays the violin.Ed Martindale is the owner of a fooddistributorship in Portland.Tom Moroney spends considerabletime going to weddings and funerals.Recently he arbitrated several cases forthe San Mateo County Superior Court.He enjoys visiting with his eight childrenand twenty-seven grandchildren.Bill Reppy is a retired justice of theCalifornia District Court of Appeals, buthe continues to handle arbitrations andreferences. He and his wife live inMontecito. This summer they will gowith <strong>Stanford</strong> to Italy and the Adriatic.Harlow Rothert is still actively practicinglaw in San Francisco with the firmof Hancock, Rothert & Bunshoft. Forrecreation he plays golf and gardens.George Swarth is now comfortablyestablished in retirement in Palo Alto.,Among other hobbies, George translatesFrench poetry into English.1938Burton J. GoldsteinGoldstein, Barceloux & Goldstein650 California StreetSan Francisco, CA 94108We look forward to seeing all members ofthe Class of 1938 at our Forty-fifth ClassReunion, during the Alumni/aeWeekend, October 7th and 8th. AylettB. Cotton is Reunion Chairman.1939Robert N. BlewettBlewett, Garretson & HachmanEden Park Building141 E. Acacia StreetStockton, CA 96202I am pleased to report that Judge JimToothaker is making good progress inrecovering from his stroke of last fall. Hismain complaint is not being able to joinhis buddies on the golf course as yet.Judge Bill Woodward, who retired'several years ago, is busy with communityservice endeavors.Our illustrious graduate, Sam Thur-L man, together with your scribe, attendedJ<strong>Stanford</strong> <strong>Lawyer</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>1983</strong>

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