Leading by exampLe - PRO Sports Club

Leading by exampLe - PRO Sports Club

Leading by exampLe - PRO Sports Club


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PhilGoatleyI knew that Pilates focusedon core strength and thoughtthat it would be good for me. Iused to suffer from lower backpain due to a combination ofpoor posture and sitting forlong periods of time. As I’veimproved at Pilates, I’ve noticedthat my better posture andincreased muscle tone helpsalleviate my lower back pain.The Pilates Studio is reallywell laid out and there isalways enough equipment foreveryone taking class. It’s a funenvironment. My instructor isfantastic. She obviously loveswhat she does and constantlychallenges me to get better <strong>by</strong>changing up the exercises andvarying the routine. She alsohas a great sense of humor,even when some of it is at myexpense like when I have the“shakes” with a particularlychallenging exercise. However,I believe I manage to hold myown and get even with thehumor. That kind of interactionhas helped keep me consistentat Pilates. It’s something I lookforward to every week.Pilates has been great forhelping me with my posture.Being tall, I’ve had a tendencyto slouch or carry weight moreon one side. As I worked on thePilates exercises that involvedbalancing, I discovered that Iwas carrying weight differently.We’ve adjusted that over time. Ialso love to play volleyball andwater ski, both of which requirecore strength. Pilates has been agreat way to build core strengthand I now enjoy those activitieseven more.proclub.com 35

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