EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2012 - Greenfield World Trade

EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2012 - Greenfield World Trade

EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2012 - Greenfield World Trade

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Flexible Applications.Increase the shelf life and safety of yourproducts with FX Precision Temperatures!The FX Series is the perfect refrigeration system for a widevariety of applications. Precise temperature control allowsFX Series units to be used at any temperature from -5 to40º depending on the product’s need. Insulated insertsand an exclusive, innovative design keeps valuable cold airwhere it belongs – with the food. Consuming foods thatare preserved at ideal temperatures are not only good fortaste, but it is crucial for our health. Food kept at incorrecttemperatures have altered texture, flavor, and nutrientcontent. Shelf life is reduced and safety is compromised.preciserefrigerationProductFreshTemperatureFrozenTemperatureIn-Shell Shellfish 38° 0°Out-of-Shell Shellfish 32° 0°Fish 32° -4°Beef & Lamb 30° 0°Pork 32° 0°Game 31° 0°Chicken 35° 0°Turkey 38° 0°Game/Fowl 34° 0°All Citrus, Apples, Pears,Peaches, Plums, Cucumbers,Radishes, Carrots, Cabbage,Peppers, Zucchini, Eggplant40° -Melons, Grapes, Cherries,Broccoli, Celery, Parsley,Asparagus, Beets,Green OnionsPre-Cut Salads, Wet Salads,Prepared Salads, Berries,Salad Greens, Spinach,Mushrooms, Sprouts, HeadLettuces36° -34° -888-994-7636unifiedbrands.net21

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