ILOG OPL Development Studio Language Reference Manual

ILOG OPL Development Studio Language Reference Manual

ILOG OPL Development Studio Language Reference Manual


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Other operatorsOther operators are described in detail in the section dedicated to the data type they operateon.Other operator syntaxSyntax- XX + YX - YX * YX / YX % YEffectArithmetic operators.These operators perform the usual arithmetic operations. In addition, the +operator can be used to concatenate strings. See Numeric operators andString operators.X == YX != YEquality operators.These operators can be used to compare numbers and strings; see Numericoperators and String operators.For other types of values, such as dates, arrays, and objects, the == operatoris true if, and only if, X and Y are the exact same value. For example:new Array(10) == new Array(10) false var a = new Array(10); a == a trueX > YX >= YX < YRelational operators.These operators can be used to compare numbers and strings. See Numericoperators and String operators.X YX >>> Y! XX || YLogical operators.See Logical operators.X && Ycondition ? X : YI L O G O P L D E V E L O P M E N T S T U D I O L A N G U A G ER E F E R E N C E M A N U A L195

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