Student/Parent Handbook & Code of Conduct - Waller ISD - Website

Student/Parent Handbook & Code of Conduct - Waller ISD - Website

Student/Parent Handbook & Code of Conduct - Waller ISD - Website


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<strong>Waller</strong> Independent School District2012-2013 <strong>Parent</strong>/<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> & <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong>TextbooksAll district textbook adoptions come from the conforming list <strong>of</strong> state adopted material. District andstate textbooks and other instructional materials (i.e. calculators, cameras, etc.) in the secondaryschools are issued or checked out to students for their use while enrolled in the District. Materials arechecked out to students by their subject level teacher or the textbook custodian. <strong>Student</strong>s areresponsible for the return <strong>of</strong> all materials and textbooks issued to them or replacement <strong>of</strong> textbooks orother instructional materials and equipment issued to them.<strong>Student</strong> responsibilities for textbooks/instructional materials/equipment:‣ Textbooks must be kept covered at all times and instructional materials and equipment must beappropriately secured.‣ Textbooks, instructional materials and equipment must be maintained in the same condition asissued.‣ Replacement cost is charged for lost or defaced textbooks, lost or damaged materials and lost ordamaged equipment issued to students.‣ Fines are assessed for damage to textbooks, instructional materials and equipment.‣ Textbooks, instructional materials and equipment issued to students must be made available forclassroom checks. If these items are not available, they will be treated as lost.‣ Textbooks and other material must not be loaned or shared.‣ Report cards will be held until charges for damage or replacement are paid to the schoolbookkeeper.‣ Replacement textbooks and replacement materials or equipment will not be issued until chargesare cleared. Refund claims must be completed within 10 working days after school is out.‣ Should the lost textbook or other instructional material be found, the payment for the lost itemwill be refunded by school check.Vehicle Loading & Unloading<strong>Student</strong>s need to wait in the assigned area for vehicle loading. Please remain in your vehicles so trafficcan move forward as students are loaded or unloaded. To ensure you child’s safety, we request that youfollow the designated pick up loop.Verification <strong>of</strong> Enrollment & Attendance for Driver’s LicenseState law requires any person under the age <strong>of</strong> 18, who has not obtained a high school diploma or itsequivalent, must show evidence <strong>of</strong> 90% attendance for each class in which they are enrolled. <strong>Student</strong>sapplying for a driver’s license during the summer should obtain the signed Verification <strong>of</strong> Enrollment andAttendance Form from the front <strong>of</strong>fice.Visitors<strong>Parent</strong>s and other adult visitors are welcome to visit District schools provided they show a state issuedID. All visitors must report to the receptionist and sign in to get a visitor’s badge. The visitor’s badgemust be worn while visiting and returned when the visit is over. Visits to individual classrooms duringinstructional time shall be permitted only with the principal’s approval. Such visits shall not be permittedif their duration or frequency interferes with the delivery <strong>of</strong> instruction or disrupts the normal schoolenvironment. Classroom visits should be arranged at least 24 hours in advance. Driver’slicense/identification will be kept in the front <strong>of</strong>fice until the visitor checks out. <strong>Student</strong> visitors are notallowed.Note: No visitors are allowed campus visits on state assessment testing days.When visitors, volunteers, or contractors check in to a campus – or when parents come to pick upstudents during the day – they will be asked to present a valid state-issued ID for entering into the V-Page 47 <strong>of</strong> 84

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