Elektronika 2012-04 I.pdf - Instytut Systemów Elektronicznych ...

Elektronika 2012-04 I.pdf - Instytut Systemów Elektronicznych ...

Elektronika 2012-04 I.pdf - Instytut Systemów Elektronicznych ...

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BGA676CSP132CSP84Profile P1 Profile P2 Profile P3Fig. 5. Cross-sections photographs of spherical solder joints made with use different soldering profilesRys. 5. Fotografie zgładów metalograficznych połączeń lutowanych wykonanych przy zastosowaniu różnych profili lutowaniaThe irregular shape of solder joints which can be observedin case of solder profile P1 in Figure 5 indicates not fully meltingand mixing of solder alloy from spherical lead of structurewith solder alloy from solder paste, and that solder joints areunacceptable (especially in case of CSP132 with solder profileP1. However, the quality of solder joints is much better in caseof solder profile P2 and P3. The elliptical outline of solder jointsindicates that during the soldering process, a phenomenonof fully melted spherical leads of package occurred, and thestructure package settled on the PCB’s surface, mostly in caseof solder profile P3.Among other things, thanks to microscopic observationsof cross-sections some imperfections in assembly process offunctional structures in BGA297 package (sign. ADSP-BF561SBBZ600) were identified. Although recommended by manufacturerof BGA structure construction of solder pads, and also onthe base of investigations both PCB’s solder pads and their sizewere modified. Solder pads were changed from solder maskdefined (SMD) to non-solder mask defined (NSMD), and alsothe size of pads was slightly increased. The entered modificationsallowed increasing the surface of solder pads by 25% andthanks to this it was possible to achieve significant improvementin the formation of good quality solder joints. Described modificationsof solder pads and the corresponding photographs ofmetallographic cross-sections from solder joints schematicallyare shown in Figure 6.Long-term reliability testsThe quality of solder joints directly influences their reliability, whichwas verified by long-term environmental tests. Initially the functionalelectronic packets were tested for functionality, and then packetswere placed in climatic chamber. After that, the functionalityof packets was verified once again. Normally, the packets areoperated in extremely variable environmental conditions (e.g. ina mine in Siberia), and because of that the functionality of electronicpackets has been studied according to the scheme shownin Figure 7, given by the Center for the Application of Hardwarefrom Tele and Radio Research Institute, which is a designer andmanufacturer of functional unit. Full-time of thermal stresses testwas about 106 hours, and after that the packets were exposed todump-heat test (-40 ±2°C; 93 ±2% RH) for 250 hours.Temperature [ C]100806<strong>04</strong>0200-20-40-60800 20 40 60 80 100 120Time [h]Fig. 7. Graph of environmental stresses testRys. 7. Wykres przebiegu długoczasowych narażeń klimatycznycha)b)Fig. 6. Modifications of solder pads for BGA297 assembly: a) schematicconstructions, b) cross-sections photographs of solder jointsRys. 6. Modyfikacja pól lutowniczych przeznaczonych do montażustruktury w obudowie BGA297: a) konstrukcja, b) fotografie zgładówmetalograficznych24The results of realized long-term reliability tests shows on thegood quality of solder joints formed in mixed assembly process.All verified functional units were characterized by a correct functionalityboth before and after environmental stresses.Influence of mixed assembly processparameters on quality of solder jointsThe realized investigations shows no significant influence on thequality of solder joints both protective coatings of solder pads(Ni/Au, immersion Sn), as well as solder paste content (stencilthickness). However, it was observed some influence of solderingprofile type. It should be noticed that the correct solder joints wereobtained using all three selected profiles (P1, P2 and P3), but thebest results were obtained in case of P2 and P3 profiles. Solder<strong>Elektronika</strong> 4/<strong>2012</strong>

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