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......................................................'E- ;wnrrs 'ZbitM12 EUFORGEN: QuercussuberNEmWORK ,Spain:Tunisia:Owing to poor seed crops, two marginal provenances plannedoriginally have been replaced by Sierra de Guadarrama and Alpujarras.Two provenances sampled in lots representing 25 mother trees eachwere successfully included.Table 1. Project status: corrected list of provenances and number of mother treeswhere acorn collection took place in the various countriesCountry No. Provenance No. of mother treesFrance 1 FRI - Les Maures 11 « 300 acorns)2 FR II - Le Pyrenees One single seed lot3 FR III - Soustons (Atlantique) One single seed lot............................. ~ ........._.. E.B ..!.Y...:..? ?!:!~~!'?..(Q9.:.~!'?.L........................................................... .9.~!'?~!~9.!!'?.?.!'?.!'?.9.. !~L......Spain 5 Montes de Toledo - Canamero (V) 256 Sierra Morena Oriental - Fuencaliente (CR) 257 Sierra Morena Occidental - Jerez de los 25Caballeros (J)8 Parque de 105 Alcornacoies - La Almcraina (ALM) 259 Cataluna Litoral - Santa Cloma de Farmes (GE) 2510 Sierra de Guadarrama - El Pardo (PAR) 27............................. ~.~ ......_.. ~: .. A!I?~J?.:.~?.~ ..::.. 1j?~.~ .. 9.~ .. !::!~~.{!j.L...........................................?? ..............................................Italy 12 Lazio - Tuscania 2613 Puglia - Brindisi 2514 Sicilia - Catania 2515 Sardegna - Cagliari 25............................ .1.~......_.. §.~!.9.~.9D.~..:..§.~~~.~!.!.......................................................................:-.'??...............................................Portugal 17 Chamusca 2518 H. Palma .2519 Q. da Serra 2520 Ponte de Sor 2521 S. Bras Alportel 2522 EvoralAzaruja 2523 Santiago do Cacem 25.............................?~......_.. Bg.'I.!~g ..................................................................................................... 9.~!'?i?.!~9.!!'?. .. ~~~9 .. !~~.........Portugal 25 Besteiros + Sierra de San Pedro-La Tojera (A) 15+15 t..•. 7." •. ?p.?!.~..................._...........................................................................................................................................................................Morocco 26 Bousafi 3527 Ain Rami 3028 Canton A, B 2029 Canton D - Ain Johra 3830 Oulmes - parcelie 65 30............................. ~.! ......_..!??!?.A~.~.~.~..: .. P..~E£~.~!~.?9.? ............................................................:?9................................................Tunisia 32 A - M_eckna 25.......................................... 33 -.................................................................................................................... B - Fernana 25~ ..... t::!9.~!.i.~ ......... }.~......_.. ~.!:I.~.!P.~~ ..................................................................................................??...............................................Total 34 34 (29+5)t Stand common to Portugal and Spain.Notes: The original table presented by the coordinator was subject to some correctionsduring the meeting: French provenances FR 11 (Le Rimbaut Provence) and FR III (Soustons)were renamed FR 11 (Le Pyrenees) and FR III (Soustons (Atlantique), respectively. Theprovenance FR V (Sartene, Corse) was renumbered FR IV (Sartene, Corse). ProvenancE?FR V mentioned in the coordinator's document did not exist, making the total number ofFrench provenances 4. and not 5. The total number of provenances from Tunisia was alsocorrected to 2 provenances instead of 3 (Meckna and Fernana). After these corrections, thetotal number of provenances is 34, and not 36 as suggested before. Therefore, the numberof provenances with individual sampling by mother trees is 29, which implies the total numberof mother trees, after correction, is 610= (29x20)+(1 x30).

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