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· PRESENT'ATI()NS 45both sites. Correlation coefficients for all studied characteristics in the nursery andin the field were calculated. The most important results are related to the preplantingheight, which revealed a significant correlation with lOO-seed weight(r=O.5Sl**), seed length (r=0.463**) and seed width (r=0.4S4**). The nurserygermination capacity did not show any significant correlation with other traits. Theresults from this analysis are shown for nursery germination and lOO-seed weightin Figure 2.100 F62&. F28, F1890• F1480 F16'"""' 70 ~'-"z 600F54I- 50 F40, F53.q:zF1140:L F490:::LLJ 30(!;I201002 4 6 8 105 125 145 165 185 205Julian dayFig. 1. Germination curves for five families with high values of nursery germinationcapacity and five families with poor behaviour.r-..~'-"10090=80·0 -- ..., 70...,0..u 60c:.g 50-- ...,c:.§ 40l..30(J}(!;I= 20l..(J},....10l..::>Zr=-0.190200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10001 OO-seed weightFig. 2. Relationship between 100-seed weight and nursery germination capacity.

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