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2 EUFOBGEN: Quercus subelCNErWOBK2. Workplan updateObjective 1: To compile and distribute relevant literature and informationThe participants decided to complete and publish the list of selected bibliography. Itwas agreed that Portugal (M.C. Varela), France (R. Lumaret in consultation withM. Bariteau) and Morocco (M. Benzyane) will send references in electronic form toJ. Turok at IPGRI by 15 July 1996. Italy (B. Schirone) will update the list ofreferences submitted last year. Christian Hansen will carry out a search in FAOdocumentation sources for relevant internationally published literature and willforward the results to J. Turok by 15 July 1996. The following information shouldbe provided for each reference: author, year of publication, title, source, originallanguage of publication, and/ or summary. Titles of publications should be given inFrench, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese or English, and, if translated, put in squarebrackets. The entries should be separated by tabs. The list of selected bibliographywill be published by IPGRI along with the Report of the meeting (see this volume)and updated by the Network regularly afterwards.The need for a comprehensive monograph on Quercus suber was expressed by allparticipants. It was suggested that an existing international mechanism take theinitiative to prepare such an important information resource. The possiblefacilitating role of Silva Mediterranea was specifically mentioned. The participants ofthe Network offered their contribution on chapter(s) related to genetic diversity andgenetic resources issues.Objective 2: To make an inventory of Quercus suber genetic r~sourcesFurther to the agreed workplan, a draft list of descriptors for Q. -suber populationsand individual trees was prepared by B. Schirone and discussed. at the meeting.Examples of descriptors currently used in Spain and France' were presented.B. Schirone will incorporate the comments provided by the Network and circulatean updated version before 20 June 1996. All participants will receive the list ofdescriptors for their comments and send them back to B. Schirone before 1 August1996. J. Turok will interact with experts working at IPGRI on the development ofdescriptors for agricultural crops and will also send comments to B. Schirone before1 August 1996. B. Schirone will forward the final version to M.C. Varela and toJ. Turok before 15 August 1996. The developed descriptor list will serve as a basisfrom which a smaller number of the most relevant descriptors should be chosen forthe passport form needed in the Concerted Action project. After receiving the finalversion from B. Schirone, M.C. Varela will propose the passport form decriptorsand will circulate thelfl before 31 August in order to use them for the collecting ofacorns (see Passport data in this volume).It was emphasized by the participants that, as a second step to achieving thisObjective, a precise survey of the distribution of cork oak in all countries should becarried out by the Network. It will be necessary to apply results of digital inventorysystems and devote sufficient time for this task. However, it was agreed that thisissue be discussed in more detail at the next meeting and that the Concerted Actionand joint research into genetic diversity be priorities for this meeting and for thecoming year. B. Schirone offered to prepare an example of a similar survey carriedout in the Italian region of Latium (Lazio) and to suggest concrete steps that shouldbe taken at and after the next Network meeting. Participation of the North Africancountries in this activity should be facilitated. The suggestion will be circulated toall participants as a brief outline document before the end of 1996.

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