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40 EUEORGEN: Quercus suberNETWORK 'Varela, M.C. and G. Eriksson. 1995. Multipurpose gene conservation in Quercussuber - a Portuguese example. Silvae Genetica 44:28-37.Zobel, B. and J. Talbert. 1984. Applied Forest Tree Improvement, John Wiley &Sons, New York.AnnexRegion INoroeste PortuguesBrief characterizationLithology: It is a region dominated by the formation of sedimentary andmetamorphic type rock and eruptive in a rather homogeneous configuration.Climate: Wet summers and mild winters.Management: The species shows a reduced area compared with its potential due toagriculture, strong replacement by faster-growing forest species and urbar. 3.cti'.'ities.Climate indexes for localities reeresentative of Region ILat. Long. Alt. Emberger Summer FrostLocality (N) (W) (m) coeff. (Q ) 2index (P IM) (days/yr)MonyaoN alinha 42°04' S023' SO 1S2.3 2.S 12.7Ermida do Geres 41°42' SOOT 525 422.1 S.2Braga/posto agrario 41°33' S024' 190 231 4.--3 2S.7Cabeceiras de Basto 41°32' SOOO' 2S0Pa~os de Ferreira 41°16' S023' 320 254 4.S 64.5Region 11Centro e OesteBrief characterizationLithology: It is a heterogeneous region.Climate: Summers of medium drought and mild winters. Fog is a climatic factorthat contributes considerably to differentiation of Region II from Region IV.Management: The species shows a reduced area compared with its potential dueagriculture, strong replacement by faster-growing forest species and urbanactivities. Presently, it is of almost no economical interest in this region.Climate indexes for localities reeresentative of Region 11Lat. Long. Alt. Emberger Summer FrostLocality (N) (W) (m) coeff. (Q ) 2index (PIM) (days/yr)Nelas 40°31' 7°51' 440 160 3 26.4Alcobaya 39°32' S05S' 75 156 1.S 36.7Pai§./escola agrfcola 3s047' 9°12' 50 11S 1 9.5Region III Tras-os-Montes e Beira interiorThis region deserves particular attention. Cork oak is characterized here by on~outstanding zone (Terra Quente do Douro), with only scattered occurrenceelsewhere. This is due to the orography profile of the region where altitude(translated in cold winters) banished the species in considerable areas. However,the species is present in several valleys where microclimate conditions occur. On

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