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20 EUFORGE:N: ' Quercus suberNETWORK '.. The (four) outside edges of all sets of containers that constitute the productionarea shall be protected with isolating white boards to protect the outside layer ofplants from being damaged by the intense heat due to direct sunlight... Plants should be moved to no-return plastic containers for delivery... The coordinator will circulate all proposals for experimental design of the trials;the participants will reply within 30 days after receiving the circular letter... An extraordinary meeting should be held, attended by one participant percountry, for final discussions on the experimental design. There are two mainreasons for this extraordinary meeting. -Firstly, because the available number ofseedlings per provenance and per mother tree is essential to plan theexperimental design and for the establishment of field trials, and this figure willnot be accurate before July 1997. Secondly, agreement on the coordination ofexperimental designs chosen by the individual countries was not reachedduring the Almoraima meeting. As experimental design is a key factor that candetermine decades of future research, discussions on this matter must be asexhaustive as possible... All concerned participants will provide information on the details of the acorncollection stands in each country, according to the passport data form. Anoverview, including a map of all stands, will be compiled... The 1998 joint meeting (CA + Network) will be held in March or April, inFrance. It will provide an opportunity for discussing issues related to theenlargement of the Network... Practical guidelines for the management of genetic resources of cork oak will bedeveloped... The Concerted Action project is being developed very rapidly and will,ultimately, lead to a considerable collection of material which forms a uniqueand strong basis for genetic research on cork oak in the future. The participantsrecommended that possible research frameworks be identified at this stage thatwould allow for the continuation of work. This is .a very timely consideration,in particular with regard to the full participation of North African countries.Without appropriate, harmonized sources of funding, the trials and all therelated genetic research undertaken may be at risk of not being adequatelycontinued in the future. The outcomes of this CA should spread to theinterested community, far beyond the circle of the actual participants.Agenda20 February 1997Status of the Concerted Action project: Acorn collection, Description of nurserytechniques used, Nursery timetable and observationsExperimental design for field trials21 February 1997Field trip22 February 1997Passport data used for the establishment of the field trials; descriptorsPlant delivery (timetable, transport, etc.)Databases

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