Digital Enterprise Transformation - 360° Journal

Digital Enterprise Transformation - 360° Journal

Digital Enterprise Transformation - 360° Journal

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© chrionny / pixelio.deDRIVERS16AbstractSustainability means meeting the basic needs of allpeople and those of future generations. The BlueEconomy concept takes up this idea and expandson it with the premises of avoiding waste, utilizingphysical and biological mechanisms, and usingonly regional resources. Consequently, the BlueEconomy is following the analogy of ecosystems,which create neither waste nor emissions and supplythemselves with local resources only.This article presents four hypotheses about theBlue Economy approach and illustrates what opportunitiesand benefits companies could profitfrom by applying the principles of the Blue Economy.Using a range of examples, it becomes evidentthat the first innovative business models to followthe principles of the Blue Economy are alreadyhaving a lasting effect today.

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