Annual Report 2010 - AmCham Moldova

Annual Report 2010 - AmCham Moldova

Annual Report 2010 - AmCham Moldova

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<strong>AmCham</strong> <strong>Moldova</strong> TeamA n n u a lR e p o r t2 0 1 0Mila MalairăuExecutive DirectorMila joined <strong>AmCham</strong> <strong>Moldova</strong> in 2007, making her the longest-serving member of the <strong>AmCham</strong>executive team. Being very active, ambitious and responsible through leading <strong>AmCham</strong> efforts,she was elected as Executive Director in October 2008 by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.Under her leadership, <strong>AmCham</strong> continues to grow and now has 70 members and 5 activeCommittees – a proven tool for the fulfillment of the <strong>AmCham</strong> mission and members needs.She graduated from the Academy of Economic Studies of <strong>Moldova</strong>, with degree in InternationalEconomic Relations and is continuing her studies in Law at the State University of <strong>Moldova</strong>. Milais member of the Consultative Council under the Minister of Economy of <strong>Moldova</strong>; National WorkingGroup on the Regulation of Business Activity; Amnesty International <strong>Moldova</strong>, and Memberof <strong>Moldova</strong>n Club of Intellectual Games “What? Where? When?”.Mila has been recently elected as a non-governmental member of the Steering Committee ofMillennium Challenge Corporation Fund.Elena BuzuProject ManagerElena has 3 years experience within <strong>AmCham</strong>. Elena plays an integral role in the development ofthe business association by managing & supervising activities of CSR and HR Committees within<strong>AmCham</strong> <strong>Moldova</strong>. The same time, being involved in the promotion of <strong>Moldova</strong> abroad through“Products of <strong>Moldova</strong>” Project, Elena is in charge of establishing direct contacts between <strong>Moldova</strong>ncompanies & potential customers, distributors, thus reducing companies costs on promoting,increase sales & diversifying export markets for <strong>Moldova</strong>n companies. Also Elena is involved inediting <strong>AmCham</strong> publications. During her work she proves to be a reliable and confident person,very responsible for everything she does.Elena took her degrees in Economics at the Academy of Economic Studies and studied foreignlanguages at the <strong>Moldova</strong>n State University.Serghei ToncuProject ManagerSerghei has over 1 year project manager experience in <strong>AmCham</strong> <strong>Moldova</strong>, fortified with over2,5 years experience in PricewaterhouseCoopers <strong>Moldova</strong>. Holding project manager position,he is in charge of managing and supervising activities of Tax & Legal Committee and FinancialServices Committee of the <strong>AmCham</strong> <strong>Moldova</strong>. Also Serghei is representing <strong>AmCham</strong> membersin the National Working Group on the Regulation of Business Activity, but also in other workinggroups with <strong>Moldova</strong>n state authorities (e.g. Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Main TaxAuthority, Institutions supervising financial sector, etc.). Considering the above, Serghei is basicallyresponsible for lobby and advocacy direction of the <strong>AmCham</strong> <strong>Moldova</strong> activity, but also isresponsible for conducting researches and studies in the field of investment climate, investmentand trade constraints etc.Serghei has a bachelor degree in Finance and another one in Economic Law, both from the<strong>Moldova</strong>n Academy of Economic Studies.Tamara CiochinaEvents ManagerTamara is the newest member within <strong>AmCham</strong> team. Tamara will be responsible for <strong>AmCham</strong>Events’ Management, dealing, basically, with planning, organization and coordination of all Am-Cham Events and several <strong>AmCham</strong> Programs, thus contributing towards the further developmentof <strong>AmCham</strong>`s activities. We are all very enthusiastic about Tamara`s role within <strong>AmCham</strong> team andlook forward to her accomplishments!Tamara took her degrees in Economics at State University of <strong>Moldova</strong> and now is continuing herstudies in Public Relation Management.A publication of the American Chamber of Commerce in <strong>Moldova</strong>11

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