Annual Report 2010 - AmCham Moldova

Annual Report 2010 - AmCham Moldova

Annual Report 2010 - AmCham Moldova

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Membership Benefits & ServicesA n n u a lR e p o r t2 0 1 0<strong>AmCham</strong> Study“Constraints in investment activity”During the period April – May <strong>2010</strong> <strong>AmCham</strong> accomplisheda specific analysis of constraints in investment activity,based on a sample questionnaire from the Ministryof Economy of <strong>Moldova</strong>. Only <strong>AmCham</strong> members were involvedin providing data for this particular study, whereas inthe meantime similar studies were performed by the Ministryof Economy involving different private companies.The purpose of the study was to fairly examine particularitiesof <strong>Moldova</strong>n investment climate and the way Am-Cham members appraise it.Potential implications of this study could lead <strong>AmCham</strong>to properly investigate areas with poor outcomes andacknowledge areas that could be considered favorablestrong factors of <strong>Moldova</strong>n investment climate. This studymay be of use in dialogue with <strong>Moldova</strong>n authorities aimedto improve general and particular elements of investmentactivity, but also could be used by potential investors in<strong>Moldova</strong>.The study offers for review, inter alia, the following topics:• General conditions characterizing investment activity• Relation between public authorities and investors• Infrastructure development and access to resourcesunder favorable conditions• Tax regime, customs regime, labor force• The innovational potential• Overall attractiveness of <strong>Moldova</strong> for foreign investors• Measures that must be undertaken to improve investmentclimate in <strong>Moldova</strong>• Other particular subjectsThe respondents mentioned that the most favorable factorsthat influence inflow of investments in <strong>Moldova</strong> are:• Overall assessment of the attractiveness of legislationon investments• Availability of free trade regime within CIS countriesand autonomous trade preferences with EU countries• The level of labour remuneration• Presence of business partner in <strong>Moldova</strong>At the same time the respondents mentioned that themost difficult factors are:• Political and economic stability• The degree of current infrastructure• Access to financial resources• Quality of the state services rendered to investors andparticipation of regional and local authorities in supportof businessAltogether, the respondents appreciate their decision toinvest in <strong>Moldova</strong> on a scale of 3,6 out of 5.<strong>AmCham</strong> is committed to perform similar studies annually,in order to track the development of investment climate,in parallel informing relevant state authorities aboutprogresses registered.A publication of the American Chamber of Commerce in <strong>Moldova</strong>21

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