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metodologija izvoğenja servisa u odbojci sa akcentom na servis iz ...


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Vojvodi}, M. i ]ele{, N.: METODOLOGIJA IZVO\ENJA SERVISA U ODBOJCI... Zbornik radova 2011, 173–182Slika 8: Izbačaj jednom rukom, zalet tri koraka, odraz <strong>sa</strong> obe nogeFigure 8: Toss with one hand, three-step momentum, reflection from both legsIt starts with the left foot, then right, left foot and reflectionwith both feet and kicks the ball. As it can be seen from thepicture above, landing after kick is behind the baseline atabout 1.5m to 2m. This method is often done so that thelanding after the service is in the field, or to reflect the serviceright next to the baseline.As with other modes of service delivery, certain irregularitie<strong>sa</strong>nd errors can occur during the delivery of the jump floatservice. These errors are often an i<strong>na</strong>dequate initial position,incorrect steps during a drop ball, i<strong>na</strong>dequate ball heightand manner of jump ball. In addition, the ball is not hit toreach the highest point, and it is often i<strong>na</strong>dequate handcontact with the ball which causes ball rotation.ConclusionKreće se lijevom, zatim des<strong>na</strong>, lijeva, te odraz <strong>sa</strong> obe nogei udarac po lopti. Kao {to se može vidjeti <strong>na</strong> slici gore, doskokposlije udarca je <strong>iz</strong>a osnovne linije <strong>na</strong> otprilike 1.5m do2m. Ovaj <strong>na</strong>čin se često <strong>iz</strong>vodi i tako da doskok poslije<strong>servi<strong>sa</strong></strong> bude u terenu, odnosno da odraz za <strong>servis</strong> bude tikuz osnovnu liniju.Kao i kod drugih <strong>na</strong>či<strong>na</strong> <strong>iz</strong>vođenja <strong>servis</strong>e i kod <strong>iz</strong>vođenjaflot <strong>servi<strong>sa</strong></strong> <strong>iz</strong> skoka dolazi do određenih nepravilnosti igre{aka. Te gre{ke su <strong>na</strong>jče{će u neadekvatnom početnomstavu, pogre{nim koracima pri podbacivanju lopte, neadekvat<strong>na</strong>visi<strong>na</strong> podbačene lopte i <strong>na</strong>čin podbacivanje. Osim toga,lopta se ne udara u <strong>na</strong>jvi{oj tački dohvata, a čest je i nepravilankontakt dla<strong>na</strong> i lopte, zbog čega dolazi do rotacije lopte.ZaključakEvery technical element in volleyball, including service, is aunit of movement of players and a ball, and those interrelationshipsof movement of players and a ball are governedby certain principles. These laws are studied and a<strong>na</strong>lyzed,and the purpose of this a<strong>na</strong>lysis is to improve and facilitatefurther development and efficiency of service. Ability andknowledge of service delivery, with the right individual andcollective tactical implementation of services, can often bethe deciding factor in the fi<strong>na</strong>l outcome of the game. Whatevery coach and player should and must know is that duringservice delivery there is no need to hurry, unless this is partof the tactic. The player needs to remain calm, maintainingcomposure and complete concentration. Each service hasits advantages and di<strong>sa</strong>dvantages, so the eter<strong>na</strong>l dilemma ofcoaches and players is which service should be applied inthe most vulnerable stages of the game.Should you apply a strong spike service with a huge risk andthe possibility of major errors or use a weaker service withoutrisk, thus providing an opportunity for the opponent toplay around it, is a matter of choice at the given moment.However, the strategy applied by the Serbian coach at thelast European Championship may have surprised many, butalso showed that the service can be just as unplea<strong>sa</strong>nt anddisrupt the reception of the opponent, and there’s less riskof error in the service when it’s performed from the jumpwithout rotation (float service). Today, this service is rightSvaki tehnički eleme<strong>na</strong>t u <strong>odbojci</strong>, pa tako i <strong>servis</strong>, predstavljajednu cjelinu kretanja igrača i lopte, a ti međusobniodnosi kretanja igrača i lopte su reguli<strong>sa</strong>ni određenim zakonitostima.Te zakonitosti se proučavaju i a<strong>na</strong>l<strong>iz</strong>iraju, asvrha te a<strong>na</strong>l<strong>iz</strong>e je da se pobolj{a i omogući dalji razvoj iefikasnost <strong>servi<strong>sa</strong></strong>. Sposobnost i z<strong>na</strong>nje <strong>iz</strong>vođenja <strong>servi<strong>sa</strong></strong>, uzispravnu individualnu i kolektivnu taktičku real<strong>iz</strong>aciju <strong>servi<strong>sa</strong></strong>često mogu da budu odlučujući faktor u krajnjemishodu utakmice. Ono {to svaki trener, pa i igrač trebaju imoraju z<strong>na</strong>ti je da se pri <strong>iz</strong>vođenju <strong>servi<strong>sa</strong></strong> ne treba žuriti,osim ako to nije dio taktike. Igrač treba da zadrži mirnoću,staloženost i potpunu koncentraciju.Svaki <strong>servis</strong> ima svojedobre strane, ali i nedostatke, pa je vječita dilema trenera iigrača koji <strong>servis</strong> u <strong>na</strong>josjetljivijim fazama utakmice trebaservirati.Da li odservirati jak smeč <strong>servis</strong> <strong>sa</strong> puno r<strong>iz</strong>ika i velikommogućno{ću gre{ke ili slabiji <strong>servis</strong> bez r<strong>iz</strong>ika i <strong>na</strong> taj <strong>na</strong>činpružiti priliku protivniku da se razigra, stvar je <strong>iz</strong>bora u datomtrenutku. Međutim, ono {to je radio selektor Srbije <strong>na</strong> zadnjemevropskom prvenstvu možda je mnoge <strong>iz</strong>ne<strong>na</strong>dilo, alii pokazalo da <strong>servis</strong> koji može biti isto tako neugodan iporemetiti prijem protivniku, a uz to je i neuporedivomanji r<strong>iz</strong>ik od gre{ke kod njegovog <strong>iz</strong>vođenja je <strong>servis</strong> <strong>iz</strong>skoka bez rotacije (flot <strong>servis</strong>). Da<strong>na</strong>s je ovaj <strong>servis</strong> u mu{kojPROFESSIONAL PAPERSTRUČNI ČLANAK181

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