Managing Netprofiler Instruments, Organizations, and Users - X-Rite

Managing Netprofiler Instruments, Organizations, and Users - X-Rite

Managing Netprofiler Instruments, Organizations, and Users - X-Rite


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messages appear in the "Message Board" area (area below the NetProfiler graphic) of the NetProfilerMain webpage. <strong>Users</strong> will only see the messages once they have logged into the NetProfiler website.Messages are not e-mailed.1 Broadcasting Messages. The Broadcast Messages option is helpful when you need to post a messageto all of the users in one of your NetProfiler organization, sub-organizations or within all yourNetProfiler organizations. An example of a broadcast message might be when you need to remindother users that profiling of a certain series of instruments must be done prior to a certain date. TheTo broadcast a message, follow these steps.a Choose Messages from the NetProfiler Main Menu. The Messages page appears <strong>and</strong> theMessages sub-menu appears with two options: Broadcast <strong>and</strong> Manage.b Click Broadcast from the sub-menu. The Broadcast Message page appears.c Choose the method of posting the message. Click on the radio button for either, ThisOrganization Only: to post the message to your own organization or Specified Organization: topost the message to a specific sub-organization of your Root organization.d Type in a Subject <strong>and</strong> a Body (actual message text).e Choose an expiration time for the message: One Day, One Week, Two Weeks, or One Month.After this time period the message will automatically be deleted <strong>and</strong> will not require any actionon your part to delete it.f Choose the organization that should receive the message. The list of possible organizations tosend the message to is based on the posting method you chose in step 3. Choosing a postingmethod of "This Organization" means that you will only send the message to your currentorganization. Choosing a posting method of "Specified Organization" means that all of the suborganizationsfor your Root organization are listed in the Organization list.gWhen you have proofread the message <strong>and</strong> are ready to send it, click on the Add Messagebutton.2 <strong>Managing</strong> Messages. The Manage Messages option is helpful when you have posted a message thatneeds to be updated or is no longer needed <strong>and</strong> you want to delete it. To Manage a message, followthese steps:a Choose Messages from the NetProfiler Main Menu. The Messages page appears <strong>and</strong> theMessages sub-menu appears with two options: Broadcast <strong>and</strong> Manage.b Click Manage from the sub-menu. The Manage Message page appears.cUpdate any message in the list by clicking on the author's name or the subject line. The UpdateMessage page appears.d Type in any change to the text in the Subject or Body or reset the expiration time frame.e Click Update. Your changes are reflected in the message.Logout: Logging Out of NetProfiler. If you want to log out of the NetProfiler Web Based Functionschoose the Logout option on the Main Menu. You are then logged out of the system. The NetProfilerLog In page appears ready for you to log back in to the system.Page 6 of 6

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