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Logical name Physical input Bits ContentTTRIG PSB9 ch 0/1 64 technical trigger signals (via RJ45)CA1 PSB13 ch 6/7 64 4 isolated e/γ candidatesCA2 PSB13 ch 4/5 64 non-isolated e/γ candidatesCA3 PSB13 ch 2/3 64 central jet candidatesCA4 PSB13 ch 0/1 64 forward jet candidatesCA5 PSB14 ch 6/7 64 τ jet candidatesCA6 PSB14 ch 4/5 64 E T sumsCA7 PSB14 ch 2/3 64 HF bit counts/HF energy sumsCA8 PSB14 ch 0/1 64 currently unusedCA9 PSB15 ch 2/3 64 currently unusedCA10 PSB15 ch 0/1 64 external condition data (via RJ45)MQF4 PSB19 ch 6/7 64 48 MIP/Quiet bits for endcap regionsMQF3 PSB19 ch 4/5 64 48 MIP/Quiet bits for endcap regionsMQB2 PSB19 ch 2/3 64 48 MIP/Quiet bits for barrel regionsMQB1 PSB19 ch 0/1 64 48 MIP/Quiet bits for barrel regionsMQF8 PSB20 ch 6/7 64 48 MIP/Quiet bits for endcap regionsMQF7 PSB20 ch 4/5 64 48 MIP/Quiet bits for endcap regionsMQB6 PSB20 ch 2/3 64 48 MIP/Quiet bits for barrel regionsMQB5 PSB20 ch 0/1 64 48 MIP/Quiet bits for barrel regionsMQF12 PSB21 ch 6/7 64 48 MIP/Quiet bits for endcap regionsMQF11 PSB21 ch 4/5 64 48 MIP/Quiet bits for endcap regionsMQB10 PSB21 ch 2/3 64 48 MIP/Quiet bits for barrel regionsMQB9 PSB21 ch 0/1 64 48 MIP/Quiet bits for barrel regionsRPC forward GMT INA 128 4 regional muon candidates from forward RPCsCSC GMT INB 128 4 regional muon candidates from CSCDT GMT INC 128 4 regional muon candidates from DTRPC barrel GMT IND 128 4 regional muon candidates from barrel RPCsGMT muons - 128Algo - 192 128 algorithm decisionsFINOR - 24 final decision wordTable 5.1: Description of data required for the function tests in one bunch crossings.Rows with a value of - for the input column indicate values that are producedby the GT/GMT system.56

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