PONSSE News 1/2011 ENG In English

PONSSE News 1/2011 ENG In English

PONSSE News 1/2011 ENG In English

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Hardware, sofTware and servicePonsse c6 sliding Boom craneThE NEW rEach Of ThE BEarOne of the last year's innovations introduced at the FinnMetko Trade Fair was a slidingboom crane designed for the Bear, Ponsse's biggest harvester. We were able to visit Swedento see one of the first machines ever sold, now being used in Skillingaryd in the province ofSmåland.A clatter and rumble is heard from adense forest in Småland. Contractor NiklasSavilahti is performing final felling withthe <strong>PONSSE</strong> Bear, which is equipped withthe new crane design. We are, in fact, followingthe footsteps of the bear.STEady WOrk machiNE"No defects have occurred. The controlsseem to be in place now," says Niklas, onhis break. This harvester model has beenon the market for many years, and it is thebiggest <strong>PONSSE</strong> harvester available. The24-tonne Bear is designed for final felling.It is equipped with a state-of-the-art C6sliding boom crane."I have always used a crane of this type.The best feature of this crane is that theload remains inside the bogie. This makesthe Bear extremely stable. I also like itsspeed and flexibility. Besides, the machineis easy to move about because the craneis so low.""The crane is not very high even in itsworking position, which is why it can beoperated under power lines. This wouldnot be possible with the parallel crane,which has a height of six to seven metres,"Niklas explains.a maN Of hiS WOrdThe C6 crane has a reach of up to ten metres.Compared to the C4 sliding boomcrane, which had the best performance untilrecently, all components of the C6 havebeen taken one step further. This providesadditional capacity for handling the H8harvester head, which weighs 1,350 kg. <strong>In</strong>addition to the harvester head's weight, theweight of the load to be lifted must also beconsidered – this can be up to three tonnes.Niklas's machine is equipped with theC6 crane, which was the second in Swedenand the third in the whole world. Sometime ago he was telling Ponsse, jokingly,that if they ever design a sliding boomcrane for the large H8 harvester head, hewill be the first to buy it."<strong>In</strong> March 2010, they phoned me fromthe factory and said that they are now de-12Ponsse <strong>News</strong> 1 • <strong>2011</strong>

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