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The value of competitionRESEARCH PAPERReferencesArnett, D.B. & Laverie, D.A. (2000) Fan characteristics andsporting event attendance: examining variance in attendance,<strong>International</strong> Journal of <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Marketing</strong> and <strong>Sponsorship</strong> 2(3),219-238.Arnould, E.J. & Price, L.P. (1993) River magic: extraordinaryexperience and the extended service encounter, Journal ofConsumer Research 20(1), 24-45.Australian Football League (2005) Club financial review.Retrieved from: http://afl.com.au.Baade, R.A. & Tiehen, L.J. (1990) An analysis of major leaguebaseball attendance 1969-1987, Journal of Sport and SocialIssues 14(1), 14-32.Baimbridge, M. (1997) Match attendance at Euro 96: was thecrowd waving or drowning? Applied Economic Letters 4(9),555-558.Baimbridge, M. (1998) Outcome uncertainty in sportingcompetition: the Olympic Games 1896-1996, AppliedEconomics Letters 5(3), 161-165.Baird, K. (2004) Dominance in college in football and the role ofscholarship restrictions, Journal of <strong>Sports</strong> Management 18(3),217-235.Bennett, R.W. & Fizell, J.L. (1995) Telecast deregulation andcompetitive imbalance: regarding NCAA division I football,American Journal of Economics and Sociology 54(2), 183-199.Berri, D.J., Schmidt, M.B. & Brook, S.L. (2004) Stars at thegate: the impact of star power on NBA gate revenues, Journal of<strong>Sports</strong> Economics 5(1), 33-50.Borland, J. (1987) The demand for Australian Rules Football,Economic Record 63(182), 87-89.Borland, J. & Lye, J. (1992) Attendance at Australian RulesFootball: a panel study, Applied Economics 24(9), 1053-1058.Boyd, T.C. & Krehbiel, T.C. (2003) Promotion timing in majorleague baseball and the stacking effects of factors that increasegame attractiveness, <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Marketing</strong> Quarterly 12(3),173-183.Cocco, A. & Jones, J.C.K. (1997) On going south: theeconomics of survival and relocation of small market NHLfranchises in Canada, Applied Economics 29(11), 1537-1552.Deighton, J. (1992) The consumption of performance, Journalof Consumer Research 19(3), 362-372.DeSchriver, T. (1999) Factors affecting spectator attendance atNCAA division II football contests, <strong>International</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> Journal3(2), 55-65.Dobson, S., Goddard, J. & Wilson, J.O.S. (2001) Leaguestructure and match attendances in English Rugby League,<strong>International</strong> Review of Applied Economics 15(3), 335-351.Downward, P. & Dawson, A. (2000) The Economics ofProfessional Team <strong>Sports</strong>. New York: Routledge.Ferguson, D.G., Stewart, K., Jones, J.C.H. & LeDressay, A.(1991) The pricing of sports events: do teams maximise profit?The Journal of Industrial Economics 29(3), 297-310.Fink, J.S., Trail, G.T. & Anderson, D. (2002) Environmentalfactors associated with spectator attendance and sportconsumption behaviour: gender and team differences, Sport<strong>Marketing</strong> Quarterly 11(1), 8-19.Fort, R. (2003) <strong>Sports</strong> Economics. Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall.Garcia, J. & Rodriguez, P. (2002) Determinant of football matchattendance revisited: empirical evidence from the SpanishFootball League, Journal of <strong>Sports</strong> Economics 3(1), 18-38.Greenstein, T.M. & Marcum, J.P. (1981) Factors affectingattendance of major league baseball: team performance, Reviewof Sport & Leisure 6(2), 21-34.Hansen, H. & Gauthier, R. (1989) Factors affecting attendanceat professional sports events, Journal of <strong>Sports</strong> Management3(1), 15-32.Holt, D.B. (1995) How consumers consume: a typology ofconsumption practices, Journal of Consumer Research 22(3),1-16.Hunt, S.D. (2000) A General Theory of Competition. ThousandOaks, CA: Sage Publications.Hunt, S.D. & Morgan, R.M. (1995) The comparative advantagetheory of competition, Journal of <strong>Marketing</strong> 59 (April), 1-15.Hunt, S.D. & Morgan, R.M. (1996) The resource-advantagetheory of competition: dynamics, path, dependencies, andevolutionary dimensions, Journal of <strong>Marketing</strong> 60 (October),107-114.Hunt, S.D. & Morgan, R.M. (1997) Resource-advantage theory:a snake swallowing its tail or a general theory of competition?Journal of <strong>Marketing</strong> 61(October), 74-82.Hynds, M. & Smith, I. (1994) The demand for test matchcricket, Applied Economic Letters 1(7), 103-106.22 <strong>International</strong> Journal of <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Marketing</strong> & <strong>Sponsorship</strong> ● OCTOBER 2009 ●

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