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Sports Marketing & Sponsorship - FIFA/CIES International University ...

Sports Marketing & Sponsorship - FIFA/CIES International University ...

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Causal effectsFIGURE 1 Estimated standardised direct effects for the latent constructsTECHNICALQUALITY.074FUNCTIONALQUALITY.404PERCEIVEDSERVICE QUALITY.846SATISFACTIONENVIRONMENTALQUALITY.181RESEARCH PAPERattribute (t =5.07, p .90).Discussion and conclusionsThis study intended to examine the effects of theattributes of service on PSQ, and to investigate themediating effect of PSQ on the relationship betweenthe attributes of service and the level of fansatisfaction in MiLB. The results indicate thatenvironmental attribute, functional attribute andtechnical attribute are significant determinants of PSQ,giving support to RH 1 , RH 2 and RH 3 . Furthermore,results provide support for the positive causalrelationship between PSQ and spectator satisfaction,giving support to RH 4 , and the mediated relationshipbetween three service attributes and spectatorsatisfaction in MiLB, leading to support for RH 5 , RH 6and RH 7 .The findings were consistent with theconceptualisation of Grönroos (1984) that technicalattribute and functional attribute are determinants ofPSQ as well as the view of Rust & Oliver (1994) thatPSQ can be derived from consumer evaluation of theoutcome (i.e. technical attribute), the consumeremployeeinteraction (functional attribute) and serviceenvironment. The findings also indicate that in MiLB,functional attribute seems to be the most importantdimension of service quality influencing the PSQ,54<strong>International</strong> Journal of <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Marketing</strong> & <strong>Sponsorship</strong> ● OCTOBER 2009 ●

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