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Sports Marketing & Sponsorship - FIFA/CIES International University ...

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Is motorsport “a race out of place”?RESEARCH PAPERmethod was a qualitative form of content analysis thatmore closely matched discourse analysis than apositivist style content analysis (Hardy et al, 2004).Content analysis is not limited to the mechanistic“counting of manifest characteristics” (Neuendorf,2004). This research used a “directed” contentanalysis (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005) using deductivecategory development (Mayring, 2000), based onresearch theme(s) identified prior to the analysis(rather than directly from the text). This approach hasalso been described as a “thematic” analysis orsometimes even a “discourse analysis” (Silverman,2006, p.163). In this case, this discourse analysisincluded the analysis of visual data (e.g. televisioncoverage) as well as the language used in televisioncommentaries. The research also searched forevidence of the way in which the visual aspects of‘place’ in the coverage of motor racing events is usedin the verbal descriptions (e.g. the way in whichracing commentators talked about the place orlocation of the racing events).This analysis facilitated the ‘reading’ of texts and themessages encoded within them. These texts included:television coverage of major motor racing events inurban street circuits by the Australian televisionChannel 10’s sports programmes (and advertisementsassociated with this coverage); an Australian motorracing magazine (Motor Racing Australia) and anAustralian motoring magazine (Wheels); official andunofficial web pages on motorsports events (e.g.CAMS (Confederation of Australian Motorsport), V8Supercars Australia, Gold Coast Indy, FIA and SaveAlbert Park sites); and newspaper coverage of theevents (including letters to the editor).These sources were examined specifically for anymessages (either visual or verbal) relating to therecognition of the symbolic significance of the locationof the motor racing events, as well as the linksbetween motorsports marketing and the marketing ofother products (including cigarettes and alcohol).These research methods were used to gain insightsinto four motorsports events in public street circuits inAustralian cities.Case studies: significant places formotorsports marketing in Australian citiesThe geography of motorsport in Australia differs fromthat in many other countries. A number of majormotorsports events in Australia are staged insignificant public places. While Australia does havepurpose-built racing circuits, major motor racingevents have been held in inner-city street circuits inseveral Australian cities. The Formula One Grand Prixin Melbourne (previously hosted by Adelaide) isunusual in that it is located in a high-density urbanarea, where more than 100,000 people live within3km of the streets used as the racing circuit and more30,000 live within 1km (Urie, 1994). The motorracing events in Australia’s Parliamentary Zone arealso unusual: it is rare for nations to allow their mostsignificant national places to become motor racingcircuits. Australia’s federal politicians have allowed amotor racing event, complete with alcohol advertisingand sponsorship, to take place against the backdrop ofthe nation’s Parliament House.The four case studies examined here are: Canberra’sV8 Supercar events in Australia’s Parliamentary Zone,the Australian Grand Prix in Albert Park in Melbourne,the various motorsports spectacles in the AdelaideParklands, and the Gold Coast Indy events in SurfersParadise. The case studies describe the specialsignificance of the location of these four events andshow how this significance has reinforced themarketing of motorsport and the effectiveness of theassociated sponsorship.Case study 1: Australia’s most significant nationalplace, the Parliamentary Zone in Canberra, as asetting for motorsports marketing and merchandisingIf the promoters of any sport could choose the mostprestigious location in Australia, it is likely that theParliamentary Zone in Canberra (Australia’s capitalcity) would be at top of their list. The ParliamentaryZone is arguably Australia’s most significant nationalplace and is replete with national symbolism. TheNational Capital Plan describes the Zone as “the66 <strong>International</strong> Journal of <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Marketing</strong> & <strong>Sponsorship</strong> ● OCTOBER 2009 ●

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