Adjusting Fuel Flow - Twin Cessna Flyer

Adjusting Fuel Flow - Twin Cessna Flyer

Adjusting Fuel Flow - Twin Cessna Flyer

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torque, to the value specified, a plug onto theremoved line. Pressure test these areas for fuelleaks prior to proceeding with the fuel systemadjustments.C. SETUP PROCEDURESWARNINGDURING REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OFFUEL LINES AND HOSES, FAILURE TOPROPERLY SUPPORT COMPONENT FITTINGSCAN RESULT IN FITTING AND/ORCOMPONENT DAMAGE AND LOSS OF SYSTEMPRESSURE. REFERENCE THE LATESTREVISION OF TCM SERVICE BULLETIN SIL95-5.NOTE...Adjustments to any component of the fuel injectionsystem can affect other system settings. Alwaysverify the performance of the entire fuel injectionsystem whenever any fuel injection systemcomponent is adjusted.1. Loosen and remove the unmetered fuel supplyhose from either the fuel pump outlet fitting orthe fuel control unit inlet fitting, whichever ismost accessible. Some engine models have anunmetered fuel pressure connection you canaccess at the fuel control screen.2. Install and torque the MS51523-B4 swivel teedirectly to the fuel pump outlet fitting or to thefuel control inlet fitting as applicable.NOTE...Some installations may require combinations ofdifferent fittings and hoses to facilitate installationof unmetered and metered test equipmentconnections.3. Attach the unmetered fuel supply hose to thestraight end of the tee connector and torque.4. Connect the Unmetered test hose from thePorta Test Unit to the tee fitting and torque. Ifusing the alternative procedure, connect the 0-60 PSI gauge to the swivel tee using a lengthof hose which will provide proper clearancefrom the engine cowling and propeller arc.Torque all connections.5. Loosen and remove the metered fuel supplyhose from the manifold valve inlet fitting.6. Install and torque the second MS51523-B4swivel tee directly to the fuel manifold valveinlet fitting.7. Attach the metered fuel supply hose to thestraight end of the tee connector and torque.8. Connect the metered pressure test hose fromthe Porta Test Unit to this second teeconnector and torque. If using the alternativeprocedure, connect the 0-30 PSI gauge to theswivel tee using a hose long enough to provideproper clearance from the engine cowling andpropeller arc. Torque all connections.9. On turbocharged engines, connect the Porta-Test Manifold Pressure and Upper DeckPressure hose to the engine following theinstructions provided with the Porta Test Unit.If using the alternative procedure, connect the0 - 30 PSId differential gauge pressure fittingto the metered pressure swivel tee using a hoseof sufficient length to provide clearance fromthe aircraft and propeller arc. Connect anequal length of hose to the "suction" side of thegauge and connect the other end to a locationto reference turbocharger compressordischarge (upper deck) pressure. See Figure12. Torque all connections.10. Position the throttle control in the FULLOPEN position and the mixture control toFULL RICH. Operate the aircraft boost pumpin accordance with the aircraft manufacturer'sinstructions. Following the instructionsprovided with the Porta Test Unit, bleed all airfrom the test unit and hoses. If using thealternative calibrated test gauges, loosen thetest connections at each gauge to bleed thelines of any air. Hold the gauge at or slightlyabove the height of the fuel system componentduring the bleeding operation. Operate theboost pump only long enough to allow purgingof air from the installed test equipment. Verifythat all fuel lines, hoses and fittings are securedand torqued and that no fuel leaks exist beforeISSUED REVISED PAGE NO REVISIONMO DAY YEAR MO DAY YEARTM4 of 4003 24 97 02 25 2005 Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc. SID97-3 CA Teledyne Technologies CompanyP.O. Box 90 Mobile Alabama • 251-438-3411

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