Lone Star Lady April June 2008 - Rroctexas.com

Lone Star Lady April June 2008 - Rroctexas.com

Lone Star Lady April June 2008 - Rroctexas.com

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ThursdayThursday was travel day to Bandera. Itwas nice to play hooky from ye ole workplace and head to the Hill Country. ThirtyMembers took the opportunity to arriveThursday afternoon and enjoy a relaxingtime greeting the many good folks we hadnot seen in 12 months. After unloading afew trailers filled with PMCs, hauling luggageup, down and about, most of us weretuckered out. As we watched the Texassun creep out of sight that meant only onething. Time to follow the tumbleweeds tothe Hospitality Suite where Cathie Moutonwas working magic with the refreshmentsand goodies. We could havestayed there all night but the dinnerbell sounded and we herdedourselves to the Flying L feed lot.It was the usual great time butmore hugs and greeting. We allate too much and the kitchen helpfinally had to shoo us out with apromise of excitement under thegreat live oak tree. The FlyingL entertainment director Buckintroduced us to Buffalo Bill andhis buffalo, Bill.Bill tried his best to convince us thatBuffalo was tame and could do tricks.I believe most of us came away from thisentertaining encounter not knowing whichwas the tame member of the duo. We didagree that the 4-legged one was cute andslobbered a lot. After this unique insightinto buffalo legend, Buck led us over tothe patio under the large oak tree where acampfire was burning. Buck found hisguitar and sang a few delicate cowboytrail songs. Beryal could not resist anda new country western duet was born thatevening under that old Texas oak tree.After Buck sang all 5 songs that he knewhe took us on a hayride through the darkcountryside looking for deer. We did notsee any deer but the stars were blinding intheir brilliance. Having already crammed2 days activities into a Thursday afternoonand evening, we all moseyed to our bunksand got a great night’s sleep.14 The <strong>Lone</strong> <strong>Star</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> • May–<strong>June</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

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