Lone Star Lady April June 2008 - Rroctexas.com

Lone Star Lady April June 2008 - Rroctexas.com

Lone Star Lady April June 2008 - Rroctexas.com

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A scheduled meeting of the Board ofDirectors (BOD) of the Texas RegionRROC was held Sunday, <strong>April</strong> 13,<strong>2008</strong> at the Flying L GuestRanch in Bandera, Texas.Chairman Stephano Andreuccicalled the meetingto order at 9:30 a.m. CST.Board Members present were:Sharon Galvan, Secretary; SneedAdams, Membership; Tim Myrick,Chief Judge; Steve Krazer, Editor;Vernon Frost, Treasurer; Phillip Reese,Activities Director; Dale Clark,Technical Chairman; and CathieMouton, Director.Board members unable toattend were: David Krazer andEddy Bridges. Also present wereseveral Texas Region members.Secretary’s Report:The last BOD meeting minuteswere submitted and approved bythe board. Sneed Adams madea motion to accept the minutes,and Phillip Reese made a second.The motion passed unanimously and they willbe published in the next LSL.National Director’s Report:Sneed Adams submitted a written reportregarding the continued development of a newset of National By-Laws. Also, he announcedseveral National Tours and Annual Meets takingplace in the future. The Annual Meet in<strong>June</strong> <strong>2008</strong> will be in Williamsburg, VA; 2009Meet in New Orleans, LA; 2010 in Toronto,CA; 2011 in Tahoe, CA. There is also a September<strong>2008</strong> Fall Foliage Tour in Michigan;<strong>April</strong> 2009 Spring Tour in the ShenandoahValley, VA; and a <strong>April</strong> 2010 SpringTour on the Natchez Trace. Nationals hasalso announced a new Region– “Hawaii!Membership Report:Sneed Adams reported that the total TexasRegion membership is 299. In<strong>com</strong>e frommembership should be approx. $9,500.A discussion was held on ideas to increasemembership.Treasurer’s Report:Vernon Frost reported the club has $26,500after in<strong>com</strong>e from the Spring Meet, but this isbefore all bills are paid. A discussion was heldabout projected expenses for the mechanics atthe Fall Tech Session so as tobudget that item in. Guidelines for this will bepresented at the next board meeting. SharonGalvan made a motion to accept the Treasurer’sReport, and Phillip Reese gave a second. Themotion was passed unanimously.Activities Report:Phillip Reese gave an update on the Fall TechSeminar, which will be held October 31-November2. Phillip and Dale have agreed tocontact Simon Curzon and see if he is availableto <strong>com</strong>e. Both Matt and Mammy have agreedto <strong>com</strong>e back. Phillip also reminded everyoneof the Region-wide Holiday Party to be heldon Saturday, Jan. 10, 2009 in San Marcos.Details will be in the LSL. Tim Myrick madea motion to allow Phillip to <strong>com</strong>plete his planningon this event, and sign room contracts.Cathie Mouton made a second, andit passed unanimously. Phillip is alsocoordinating the details of the 2009Spring Meet with Matt Garrett.Editors Report:Steve Krazer announced the next issueof the LSL would include the membershipdirectory and Spring Meet. Hereported that the new Ladies Columnhas been well received.Chief Judge’s Report:Tim Myrick reported that there areenough plaques and ribbons for thenext Spring Meet in 2009. SharonGalvan agreed to find a trophy shopand select the plaque for the AtwellTrophy.Chairman Stefano Andreucci discussedthe plans for a summer board meetingwhich will be announced at a laterdate. The BOD discussed the factthat the Nominating Committeeshould be looking for members to runfor the BOD positions that will bevacated at the end of the year. These nameswill be presented to the BOD at their nextmeeting. With no further items to discuss,Sneed Adams made a motion to adjourn themeeting at 11:22 a.m, Vernon made a second,and it was passed unanimously.Respectfully submitted,Sharon GalvanSecretary8 The <strong>Lone</strong> <strong>Star</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> • May–<strong>June</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

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