Lone Star Lady April June 2008 - Rroctexas.com

Lone Star Lady April June 2008 - Rroctexas.com

Lone Star Lady April June 2008 - Rroctexas.com

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Continued from page 5...war, early post-war, the Cloud/S series,Shadow/T, to the Phantom and FlyingSpur.Club member Dale Clark will coordinatewith those of you registered to attend so thatyou will know what tools you should bringto the seminar so that we will have mosteverything needed (tool wise, at least). Dalewill also see about getting some of the majortools for us to use for the seminar.As I mentioned earlier, Silvey MotorCompany is our host garage this year. Theyare located about two miles from the garagewe have used in prior years. Silvey MotorCompany is owned by club membersRoss and Kari Silvey. Depending upon theweather, they have agreed to do a cookouton Saturday for lunch for those attendingthe Fall Tech Seminar.Silvey’s garage is located on over an acre ofproperty and is next to the Silvey’s residence,which is almost rural in feel even thoughthey are within the Austin city limits.The garage itself has two lifts, so everyonewill have the chance to have their cardiagnosed/evaluated and repaired (onlyif the fix is simple and the tools/parts areavailable) while the rest of us learn fromeach other, the mechanics and from theexperience.Club member Cathie Mouton is busyworking on ideas for what the ladies will beinvolved in during the Fall Tech Seminarwhile the rest of us are at the garage.Some of the events that she has set up in thepast are: Shopping and lunch, Brunch atthe Four Seasons, Central Market CookingClass, to name but a few.Homewood Suites continues to be our hosthotel. Each room is a suite and the rateincludes an expanded breakfast with suchitems as: make your own belgian waffles,eggs, sausage, biscuts and gravy, fresh fruit,etc. Homewood Suites also cordones offpart of the parking lot for our cars only.They also put out hoses and towels for6 The <strong>Lone</strong> <strong>Star</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> • May–<strong>June</strong> <strong>2008</strong>anyone wanting to clean their car. The clubwill provide an off-duty Austin police officerto watch over our cars the two nights we arethere.Even if you are not mechanically inclined,there are plenty of opportunities to socializewith club members. We start out on Fridayevening by going to dinner together. Thereare always members to visit with during theFall Tech Seminar, whether at the garage,hotel or during meals. We also go to dinneras a group on Saturday evening and then wefinish up with lunch on Sunday together.Please consider attending the Fall TechSeminar this year, whether it is your firsttime or your 10th, or if it has been a whilesince you’ve been. We’ve <strong>com</strong>e a long, longway from earlier times at the Stagecoach Innin Salado TX, when we had to get down onthe cement to get under the cars!Registration information will be printed inthe <strong>Lone</strong> <strong>Star</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> soon.Something New!1st Annual Region-WideHoliday PartyAfter the extra-busy holiday season!When: Saturday, January 10, 2009Where: Embassy Suites Hotel, SanMarcos Tx (just 25 miles south ofAustin Tx)What: 1st Annual Region-WideHoliday PartyInstead of individual areas of the Texasregion (Austin, Dallas, Houston) hostingholiday parties in the midst of the busyholiday season, we are hosting one grandregion-wide holiday party after the holidayseason so that you can relax and enjoy theparty with all your Texas region friends.The place for the party is the brand-newEmbassy Suites Hotel and San Marcos TxConvention Center located just 30 minutessouth of Austin Tx along interstate 35, but aworld away from the congestion and trafficof Austin.The Embassy Suites has agreed to extendour group rate for members who would liketo arrive on Friday instead of Saturday, andthey will also honor the rate if memberswould like to stay over Sunday night as well.The Embassy Suites is scheduled to openin October <strong>2008</strong>, so you might just bethe first person ever in your two-roomsuite. Our group rate at the hotel includesthe <strong>com</strong>plimentary two-hour EveningManager’s Reception with beverages(alcoholic/nonalcoholic) and cold andhot appetizers. And, in the morning, theCooked-to-Order Breakfast.The Embassy Suites is located within amile of the third largest Outlet Mall in theWorld! In fact, there are two huge outletmalls right across the street from each otherwith stores such as Coach, Brooks Brothers,Crate and Barrel and Neiman Marcus toname but a few. The Embassy Suites willhave a free shuttle van to take you to andfrom the hotel and the outlet malls. Ladiesjust think, the third largest outlet mall in theworld and after Christmas sales! Talk aboutbeing in the right place at the right time!And, for those members who are interestedin looking at a collection of cars includingPMCs, we are working on a Saturdayafternoon tour of the Central TexasMuseum of Automotive History located afew miles away in Rosanky Tx, and ownedby Texas region member Dick Burdick.We would love to see your PMC at thisevent. However, for those of you who donot want to drive your PMCs for whateverreason, please do not miss out on this funfilledevent. Here are just a few ideas ofhow to get to San Marcos without drivingyourself. Get a group together in your areaand rent a van with a designated driver. Geta larger group together and charter a busand transform your trip into a mobile partyto and from San Marcos!The 1st annual region-wide holiday party(really just an extension of a fun-filled day)will get underway Saturday evening at ourhost hotel with a delicious meal and lots ofvisiting with all your Texas region friends.This will be followed by a DJ spinning ourfavorites (and taking your requests) so thatwe can dance the night away!We want to see each and everyone of you inSan Marcos Tx for this event! You will notbe disappointed.Hotel reservation information, along withthe club registration form, will be publishedin the <strong>Lone</strong> <strong>Star</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> soon.PS- If individual areas still want to have aholiday party, please feel free to do so. Thinkof the post-holiday party in San Marcos as abonus event!

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