Master's Thesis in Theoretical Physics - Universiteit Utrecht

Master's Thesis in Theoretical Physics - Universiteit Utrecht

Master's Thesis in Theoretical Physics - Universiteit Utrecht


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VΦSlowrollregime0 MpΦFigure 3.1: Chaotic <strong>in</strong>flationary potential. The field has an <strong>in</strong>itial value of O(M P ) and slowly rolls down thepotential well.a whole move to the true vacuum state. In order for this not to happen almost <strong>in</strong>stantaneously,the potential needs to be very flat. Moreover, the <strong>in</strong>itial conditions of the field mustbe φ 0 ≃ 0, ˙φ0 ≃ 0 and the field must slowly roll down the potential well. This leads to theso-called slow-roll conditions, which we will discuss <strong>in</strong> the next section. The flatness of thepotential and the <strong>in</strong>itial conditions for the field form the naturalness and f<strong>in</strong>e-tun<strong>in</strong>g problemsfor the new <strong>in</strong>flationary scenario.One of the simplest scenario for <strong>in</strong>flation is chaotic <strong>in</strong>flation, proposed by L<strong>in</strong>de[8]. Theidea of chaotic <strong>in</strong>flation is shown <strong>in</strong> Fig. 3.1. In this scenario, the universe was <strong>in</strong>itially<strong>in</strong> a chaotic state where the value of the scalar field could take any value. This happened<strong>in</strong> the Planck era where quantum effects dom<strong>in</strong>ate the universe. In particular, the valueof the field could be very large (i.e O(M P )). Below the Planck era quantum effects becomesubdom<strong>in</strong>ant and the scalar field behaves classically. This means that the field slowly rollsdown the potential well and <strong>in</strong>flation is a success. The chaotic <strong>in</strong>flationary scenario allowsfor many forms of the potential, <strong>in</strong> particular a m 2 φ 2 or a λφ 4 potential.3.5 Inflationary dynamicsIn this section we will show more explicitly how <strong>in</strong>flation could happen <strong>in</strong> scalar field models.Assume aga<strong>in</strong> the simple scalar field action from Eq. (2.33) and the energy density andpressure from Eqs. (2.35). The scalar field we will now call the <strong>in</strong>flaton, the field that drives<strong>in</strong>flation. Us<strong>in</strong>g these expressions we f<strong>in</strong>d that for successful <strong>in</strong>flation we need˙φ 2 ≪ V (φ). (3.14)In chaotic <strong>in</strong>flationary models the <strong>in</strong>flaton field starts at some large <strong>in</strong>itial value and rollsdown the potential well. In most of these models the potential energy is much greater than1the k<strong>in</strong>etic energy, i.e. ˙φ 2 2≪ V (φ). Also, it turns out that <strong>in</strong> many models the <strong>in</strong>flatonslowly rolls down the potential well. Tak<strong>in</strong>g the scalar field equation (2.36) <strong>in</strong>to account,this means that ¨φ ≪ 3H ˙φ. The equation for H 2 and the field equation the becomeH 2 ≃ V (φ)3M 2 p(3.15)3H ˙φ ≃ −V ′ (φ). (3.16)

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