cognitive behavioural interpersonal skills manual - GPSC

cognitive behavioural interpersonal skills manual - GPSC

cognitive behavioural interpersonal skills manual - GPSC

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Self-Assessment ProfilePerfectionist: High scores on questions 8 – 14DescrIPtION of tyPEDominant fEElINGSAttitudetOWArd SElf• Afraid to makemistakes• Over-controlling• Over-organized• Agonizes overmistakes• Pushes self too hard• Difficulty prioritizing• Take on more thancan manage• May present well andbe very successfulbut cost is high• Afraid of rejection ifothers find out she/he is not perfect or asgood as appears to be• Pressured• Anxious• Vigilant• TensesSIMPle stratEGIES• I am flawed andinadequate andmustn’t let otherssee it• I have very highstandards and amworthless if I don’treach them allthe time• Prioritize instead of doing everythingto same high standard• Reduce expectations of self• Set more realistic standards• Have days off from perfection• Stop using “should” for a week• Leave unplanned spaces in the day• Loosen your schedule• Drop some engagements orinvolvementsCBIS Manual | JunE 2009aSSESSMEnt | 26

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