Finals Round 3 - SportingPulse

Finals Round 3 - SportingPulse

Finals Round 3 - SportingPulse


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DIVISION 1 CLUB NOTESBALWYN: What a terrific result last week as we were ableto prevail in a cut-throat game that was close all day, untilwe finally got away in the last quarter. The game held extraspecial significance for the Balwyn team and supportergroup, being almost a year to the day since the tragic eventsthat saw Shaun Bergin leave us far too soon. The Tigershonoured Shaun in the best possible way, by emergingtriumphant from a hard-fought finals match. As CoachDaniel Donati said in the rooms later, Shaun will be withus in spirit in every game from here on, noting the decisionmade late last year that the Best <strong>Finals</strong> Player Trophy willin future be named after Shaun. In fact the Tigers mightwell have set a record for the most people crammed intothose rooms after the match, as the victory song was beltedout with gusto! So today we are back at Boronia withScoresby as our opponent and the equation stays the same– we just need to win! Good luck boys – believe! To all yousupporters here today, wear your colours proudly, supportour boys loudly – make sure they can see and hear you…itreally does make a difference! Go Tigers!!!EAST RINGWOOD: The considerable and alwaysbreezy expanses of Tormore Reserve was the scene forboth our U19s and Reserves teams in cut-throat finals.After an arm-wrestle with the Eagles, our boys played aninspired final quarter into the wind to hold them off andwin the game by seven points. The young ‘Roos now faceNorwood this week with the winner to advance to thesecond last game of the season. The Reserves encounterwith Norwood was also tight and error-ridden in the gustybreeze. But after a sluggish first half, the ‘Roos lifted theirintensity to finish with plenty of run, eventually winningby 10 points. Their reward is a meeting with Knox in thefirst semi-final. For the information of supporters, theafter match with awards takes place in our pavilion at5pm. Don’t forget, the best Grand Final Breakfast in theEast will happen again this year at the Maroondah Club.Once again, the award-winning SEN and Sky star JasonRichardson will introduce some terrific guests and ticketsare selling fast. Further details will be on the website soon.The Senior Best & Fairest vote count will be held in thepavilion on the Sunday immediately after the Reserves’final game of the year. Let’s hope that day follows anotherflag and that all supporters get along. Our last and mostimportant function for the season is the Presentation Ballon Saturday, October 6. Make sure you visit the websitewhere a link will provide booking details. Don’t missthe boat as some folk did last year. Further details of allof functions, club news and match summaries, visit ourwebsite at www.erfc.com.au! GO ROOS!KNOX: Today we are out to Boronia to face EastRingwood in an elimination final. It was a disappointingday for the Falcons last week, with the reserves goingdown to Noble Park. In a contest that started very wellfor us, we saw it slip away with poor decision-makingand disposal. In the first quarter we came out firing withthe first couple of goals. Looking comfortable at quarterDIVISION 1time with a 12-point lead, the second quarter was a veryeven affair. A lower scoring quarter saw us taking a13-point lead into the major break. The third quarter iswhere it all went wrong for the Falcons, letting the Bullskick four unanswered goals on the back of poor disposaland immature mistakes. The last term was much like thesecond, very contested and even seeing the Bulls run out11-point winners. The best on the day were Britts, JD, MJ,Saundo, Hammer and Greaves. This week’s player profileis the ever slick Paul “Cyril” Tyler. Paul loves shakinghis thing on and off the field. He is a known erotic dancerwho just loves to boogie. Good luck to all players todayand go Falcons!LILYDALE: What a great win by the Under 19s againstNorwood at Bayswater last week in the QualifyingFinal. Now we take on minor premiers Scoresby. Afterthe pressure of the first half waned, the win came froma much more productive third quarter when we startedto work hard for the ball, hit targets and kick accurately.But to win by 3.13 means we have problem Houston. Butone on which we can improve. The goals were sharedwhich the trend is these days taking the pressure off thekey forwards. Better players were Sam Horsley, BraydenSchembri, Billy Gardner, Matthew Wierzbicki, AdamNyok, and Marcus O’Donohue. The pressure markingof Brad Lowe was a delight to see. Our Club is hostingthe Vets Grand Final between Mooroolbark and Kilsythtomorrow Sunday 9 September. Come down to watchor help out. Refreshments available, BBQ going andCanteen operating. Game starts at 2.30pm with gatesopen at noon. Cost of entry is only $5. Tickets for the2012 Presentation Night being held in the social rooms onFriday 28 September can be collected and paid for priorto the night from the Ray White Lilydale Office oppositethe Olinda Creek Hotel in Lilydale during business hoursof 9am to 5pm. STRICTLY NO DOOR SALES. TheClub also is having a golf day at the Warburton Golf Clubtomorrow. Teams of four will play Ambrose rules in whatshould be a great day. The $60 charge includes green fees,BBQ lunch, great prizes for nearest the pin, longest driveetc. and $5 will go to the Leukaemia Foundation. CallLucas Skelton on 0402 045 272, Jamie Cruickshank on0434 689 666 or Stephen Cruickshank on 0417 017 513to register. See website www.lilydalefc.com.au for alldetails. Go Dales. FathertoosaNOBLE PARK: Congratulations to our reserves whowon on the weekend and now our playing in a secondsemi-final. Everyone at the Bullring is cheering youon. Unfortunately the seniors lost to Balwyn and theircampaign for back to back to back is over – thank you toall players, coaches and helpers on a tough year. Bookingsare now open for Presentation night 2012 – please seeTracey, website or email noblepark@efl.org.au for moreinfo ALL WELCOME. GO BULLS!NORWOOD: It wasn't the dream start to our finals15 THE EASTERN FOOTBALLER 2012

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