CA eTrust SiteMinder Developer's Guide for Java

CA eTrust SiteMinder Developer's Guide for Java

CA eTrust SiteMinder Developer's Guide for Java


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Server ClustersCluster failover occurs according to the following configuration settings:■Failover threshold. The minimum percentage of servers within a clusterthat must be available <strong>for</strong> Policy Server requests. If the number ofavailable servers falls below the threshold, failover to the next clusteroccurs.The failover threshold percentage applies to all clusters associated with theagent.To determine the number of servers that the percentage represents in anygiven cluster, multiply the threshold percentage by the number of serversin the cluster, rounding to the nearest integer. For example, with a 60-percent failover threshold <strong>for</strong> a cluster of five servers, failover to the nextcluster occurs when the number of available servers in the currently activecluster falls below 3.Set through: InitDef constructor that contains the failOverThresholdparameter.■Sequence of cluster failover. Each cluster is assigned a sequencenumber. When cluster failover occurs, <strong>SiteMinder</strong> sends subsequent PolicyServer requests to the next cluster in the cluster sequence.Set through: ServerDef.clusterSeq().Cluster FailoverIf your site uses clusters, you typically will have a primary cluster and one ormore backup clusters.The primary cluster is the cluster to which <strong>SiteMinder</strong> sends requests as longas the number of available servers in the cluster does not fall below thefailover threshold. If there are not enough available servers in the primarycluster, failover to the next cluster in the cluster sequence occurs. If thatcluster also fails, failover to the third cluster occurs, and so on.When All Clusters FailIf the number of available servers falls below the failover threshold in allclusters associated with the agent, policy operations do not stop. Requests aresent to the first cluster in the cluster sequence that has at least one availableserver.For example, suppose an agent is associated with two clusters—C1 containingthree servers, and C2 containing five servers.The failover threshold <strong>for</strong> anycluster associated with the agent is set at 60 percent.50 <strong>Developer's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Java</strong>

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