Gas Turbine Efficiency - overcoming your power problems

Gas Turbine Efficiency - overcoming your power problems

Gas Turbine Efficiency - overcoming your power problems

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NEWSLithium-ion technology visitsMars’ 2nd moon, PhobosThey’re compact, reliable andable to survive the blistering heatof the sun unshielded byatmosphere. They can evensurvive the deep cold of space foryears on end - and still deliver theright charge when required.We’re talking about Lithium-ionpolymer batteries.Their extensive use in the Marsmissions have been pioneeringsteps in the progress of higherenergy densities, performance,overall quality and extendedcalendar life for energy storage inspace.Produced by ABSL Space Products,the Lithium-ion batteries providea greatly reduced mass to energydensityratio and no 'memoryeffect' found in other batterychemistries. Their design allowsthem to fully recharge every timeand gives them a greateroperating temperature range -allowing them to function even inorbit or on the surface of Mars.On March 1st, 2010, ESA's MarsExpress skimmed the surface ofMars' largest moon Phobos, passingby at an altitude of 67 km. Thanksto the onboard <strong>power</strong> supply, theMars Express engaged in a seriesof 12 flybys of Phobos. At eachclose pass, different instrumentswere trained towards themysterious space rock, gainingnew information. From closerange, Mars Express was pulled'off-course' by the gravitationalfield of Phobos. This amounted tono more than a few millimetresevery second and did not affectthe mission in any way.However, for the tracking teamson Earth, it allowed a unique lookinside the moon to see how itsmass is distributed throughout.It turns out Phobos may have aninterior with the hollowconsistency of a ‘Malteser’.Phobos - a place with zeroatmosphere.The MarsExpress - till boldly going - all thanks tolithium ion batteries [see pic below].Lithium-ion units continue to be inthe news.On 22nd October 2009, the ESAPROBA spacecraft <strong>power</strong>ed byABSL lithium-ion achieved itseighth year in orbit. This reflectsgreat credit on a new technologywhich already has a number ofnew applications with Earth-based<strong>power</strong> systems.ABSL’s Lithium-ion unit.In brief...China builds 600MWin TurpanSADoChina Huaneng Group,China's biggest <strong>power</strong>producer, will build two600MW <strong>power</strong> units in thefar western Xinjiang UygurAutonomous Region. TheTurpan <strong>power</strong> plant willhelp to meet rising <strong>power</strong>demand in Turpan andsouthern Xinjiang and isalso a major <strong>power</strong> sourcefor the country's west-eastelectricity transmissionproject.Bharat signs deal withMetson in IndiaBharat Heavy ElectricalsLimited (BHEL) of India andMetso have signed theextension to the ongoingTechnology CollaborationAgreement (TCA) betweenthe two companies forDistributed Control System(DCS). The TCA extension isfor a period of 10 years.BHEL is India’s largestsupplier of <strong>power</strong>equipment. BHEL-suppliedequipment contributesaround 73% of the total<strong>power</strong> generated in India.The cumulative capacitiesof <strong>power</strong> projects installedby BHEL have exceeded138,000 MW. The TCAextension is an importantmilestone event in thegrowth path of Metso'sEnergy Automation BHEL'sAutomation business.Solar Taurus T60MOBILE GEN SETS5.2 MW• Solar Maintained• 7 Units (Gen 1) & (Gen 2)• All Natural <strong>Gas</strong>• Mobile PCR U.G. Switch gear• Low Nox 25 ppm• 60 Hz • 13.8 kV• 50 Hz Conversion Available205-590-3505 Tel205-590-3885 FaxWesley: wtuggle@maegen.comArt: asigler@maegen.comGreg: gposey@maegen.comKeith: kcoleman@maegen.comW ORLDWIDE I NDEPENDENT P OWER • MARCH 201011

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