25ANNUAL TH - Southern Regional Education Board

25ANNUAL TH - Southern Regional Education Board

25ANNUAL TH - Southern Regional Education Board

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<strong>TH</strong>URSDAY, 1 P.M.REGULAR SESSIONSREGULAR SESSIONS186. Getting Elementary and Middle Grades Schools on the SamePage for Transitioning At-Risk StudentsROOM: CHEEKWOOD G-HPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 2ACODE: MGThe session will focus on building a consistent support system fromthe elementary to the middle grades for at-risk students to ensure thatinterventions in the fifth grade are continued in the middle grades. Participantswill reflect on the transition process currently in place in their schools anddetermine how it can be improved to better support at-risk students.PRESENTER(S): Jill Potts, School Improvement Consultant, SREB, Atlanta, GA187. Getting the Mission Right in Middle Grades SchoolsROOM: CANAL BPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 2BCODE: MGFor middle grades schools to be successful or to improve students’performance, middle grades schools must work to get students ready forsuccess in challenging high school courses. We must get them on-trackfor graduation with their peers and impart the skills necessary to becomeresponsible citizens and adults with visions for their futures.PRESENTER(S): Toni Eubank, Director, MMGW State Network, SREB, Atlanta, GA188. Freshman Transition: A Comprehensive ProgramROOM: BELLE MEADE ABPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: M, UOBJECTIVE: 2DCODE: HSLearn about one high school’s comprehensive freshman transition program.Eighth-graders visit the high school to become familiar with the layout aswell as course selection for the coming school year. The first day of school,freshmen experience the school with assigned upper-class mentors. Theresults: decreased ninth-grade failures and increased student involvement.Repeated as a mini-sharing session; Friday, 1 p.m. in Governor’s Ballroom AEPRESENTER(S): Megan Babcock, Teacher, and Melinda Weakland, School Counselor,Springfield High School, Akron, OH189. Freshman Academy: Intervention Pyramid for SuccessROOM: BELMONT BPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: L, ROBJECTIVE: 2ECODE: HSThe presenters will lead participants in a discussion of how one rural districthas implemented an intervention pyramid to help student achievementduring the ninth grade. This session will cover the pitfalls to avoid and whatworks for all students in the freshman academy structure.PRESENTER(S): Miranda Logsdon, Freshman Academy Teacher, and Amy Taylor,Freshman Academy Teacher/Team Leader, Logan County High School,Russellville, KYPRESIDER: Casey Jaynes, KY190. Career/Technical Mentoring for Ninth- and 10th-Grade StudentsROOM: LINCOLN EPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: L, SUOBJECTIVE: 2ECODE: HSThe presenters will share a strategy to help ninth- and 10th-grade studentspass their academic and career/technical classes and stay on track forgraduation. Learn how a suburban district implemented a career/technicalmentor program in two high schools.PRESENTER(S): William H. Moss, CTE Supervisor, and Joe Murphy, CTE Mentor,Wilson County School, Lebanon, TN191. It’s a Family Affair: Helping Students Excel in Competitive SocietyROOM: GOVERNOR’S CHAMBER DPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: M, ROBJECTIVE: 2FCODE: HSLearn how a rural high school achieved 100 percent parental participationin the career planning and course selection process. Parental involvementhas led to increased graduation rates, college enrollment, and career andoccupational awareness among students and parents. Participants will receiveresources to take back to their schools.PRESENTER(S): Brenda Ishmael, Director of School and Guidance Counseling,Indian Land High School, Fort Mill, SC192. Increasing Student Achievement Through Project-BasedLearning and 21st-Century SkillsROOM: BAYOU EPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 3BCODE: HS, MGHear the story of a rural Alabama school making great strides with studentengagement, achievement, and graduation rates. The unacceptablegraduation rate of 63 percent, along with discipline issues and lack of studentinterest, prompted stakeholders to investigate models for sustained reformbefore settling on project-based learning.PRESENTER(S): Craig Bates, Principal, Winterboro High School, Calera, AL193. TEAM: A Practical and Powerful Approach for TeachingStudents with DisabilitiesROOM: BELMONT CPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 3CCODE: HS, MGThis interactive session, suitable for educators working with students withdisabilities, describes the TEAM (Teaching, Evaluating, Assessing, Managing)approach for creating learning opportunities. Participants will take awayvaluable tools and strategies designed to make students extraordinarilysuccessful.Repeated as a mini-sharing session; Friday, 11 a.m. in Governor’s Ballroom AEPRESENTER(S): Dee Berry and Donna Davis, Partners, and Starr Brown andJohn Dorroh, Consultants, Assessing <strong>Education</strong>al Competencies,West Point, MS194. Why Do Students Fail?ROOM: DELTA ISLAND FPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 3CCODE: HS, MG, TCThe presenter will explore the various factors that lead students to fail. Thissession will review aspects of failure and what classroom teachers can do toprevent failure among their students. Participants will see how teaching andassessment practices can lead to student success or failure.PRESENTER(S): Egle Gallagher, School Improvement Consultant, SREB, Atlanta, GAPRESIDER: Aubrey Lindsey, GA195. Learner-Centered Tactics Guaranteed to Improve AchievementROOM: DELTA ISLAND E OBJECTIVE: 3DPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: M, SUCODE: HSThe principal of a suburban high school and an HSTW school improvementconsultant will outline how an emphasis on advisory, career/technicaleducation and increased rigor across the curriculum has impacted studentachievement. Learn how this strategy can work at your school, too.PRESENTER(S): Bruce Orr, Principal, Lakeside High School, Hot Springs, AR;and Donald Westerman, School Improvement Consultant, SREB,Atlanta, GA—R – Repeated Session – 2011 Pacesetter School or Award Recipient – MMGW Top 50 Most-Improved School (2008-2010)• – Top 50 High-Implementation MMGW Site (2010)39

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