25ANNUAL TH - Southern Regional Education Board

25ANNUAL TH - Southern Regional Education Board

25ANNUAL TH - Southern Regional Education Board

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FRIDAY, 9:30 A.M.FEATURED PRESENTATIONSTODDWHITAKER394. What Great Teachers Do DifferentlyROOM: DELTA CPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 8DCODE: HS, MG, TCWhat are the specific qualities and practices of great teachers that elevate them above the rest? This workshop revealswhat the most effective teachers do differently from their colleagues. Participants will leave knowing how to be moreeffective and how to immediately implement change in their own classrooms and schools.PRESENTER(S): Todd Whitaker, Professor, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN120-MINUTE SESSIONSREGULAR SESSIONS395. Effective Teaching in CTE: Using Formative and SummativeAssessment to Increase Motivation and LearningROOM: HERMITAGE DPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 7DCODE: HS, TCThis session will focus on how to develop a comprehensive assessment plan forcareer/technical instruction that incorporates both formative and summativeassessments. Learn the important role that formative assessment plays inimproving student motivation, learning and achievement. Participants willlearn how to select the right assessment instruments for each purpose.PRESENTER(S): Heather Sass, School Improvement Consultant, SREB, Atlanta, GAREGULAR SESSIONS396. Common Core State Standards and Content LearningROOM: CANAL CPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 1ACODE: HS, MG, TCParticipants will take a closer look at how the Common Core State Standards(CCSS) set forth in the “Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, andTechnical Subjects” section support content acquisition through reading andwriting. Learn to create assignments that use the CCSS as the foundationupon which specific content curricula are built.PRESENTER(S): Nancy Blair, School Improvement Consultant, Blair Consulting,Peachtree City, GA397. Standards-Based Grading: One High School’s Lessons LearnedROOM: LINCOLN CPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 1BCODE: HSStandards-based grading practices measure students’ proficiency on welldefinedcourse objectives. Hear how one high school revised assessment andgrading procedures to implement standards-based grading schoolwide andwhy it has been successful in some content areas and less so in others afterone year of implementation.PRESENTER(S): Richard Callahan, Principal, Spring Hill High School, Columbia, TN;and Lois Barnes, Director, State Services for School Improvement,SREB, Atlanta, GA398. The Art of Queries and Constructing ResponsesROOM: CHEEKWOOD G-HPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 2BCODE: MGParticipants will review the elements of an effective constructed responsequestion and learn to script various types of constructed response queriesaligned to standards. The presenter will share how to train students to sketchanswers using the five-column process (based on the work of Frank Desensi).PRESENTER(S): Brenda Joubert, School Improvement Consultant, SREB, Atlanta, GA399. From Repeaters to Leaders: Programs to Improve the Successof Ninth-GradersROOM: CANAL BPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: L, ROBJECTIVE: 2ECODE: HS, MGFreshmen Friday, freshmen assemblies, freshmen-only dances and breaks,repeater-leader community projects — Hear how this freshman academycounselor promotes successful extra help, extra time and attention for allninth-graders. Analyzing data, coordinating teachers’ time and convincingstudents to try are a few of the successful strategies.PRESENTER(S): Rachel Graham, Counselor, and Stephanie Lesley, Assistant Principal,Mary Montgomery High School, Semmes, AL; and Betty Harbin,School Improvement Consultant, SREB, Atlanta, GAPRESIDER: Allison Miller, AL400. SREB’s College/Career-Readiness Agenda: Senior TransitionalCoursesROOM: BAYOU ABPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 2FCODE: HSThe global economy demands more highly-skilled workers. To address thecollege/career-readiness challenge, SREB developed a model readiness “actionagenda” of promising practices, including statewide standards adoption,assessment policies and strengthening the senior year. Examples of transitionalcourses in math and English for under-prepared seniors will be shared.PRESENTER(S): Cheryl Blanco, Vice President, Special Projects, SREB, Atlanta, GAPRESIDER: Janie Smith, GA402. Let’s Pretend: The Benefits of a Mock TAVROOM: DELTA ISLAND EPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: L, ROBJECTIVE: 3BCODE: HS, MG, TCIs your school ready for your Technical Assistance Visit (TAV)? Has yourschool had a TAV result that surprised you? Are you ready for your TechnicalReview Visit (TRV)? How can you tell? Try a mock TAV! Use your own, orenlist close-by district personnel to try it out — no surprises!PRESENTER(S): Rosa Hood, Principal, and Nicholas Wholgemuth, Assistant Principal,Santa Teresa High School, Santa Teresa, NM; and James Kelch,School Improvement Consultant, SREB, Atlanta, GA62 Code: HS – High School MG – Middle Grades TC – Technology CenterSL – Outstanding Educators and LeadersPresenting School: S – Small M – Medium L – LargeR – Rural Su – Suburban U – Urban

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