25ANNUAL TH - Southern Regional Education Board

25ANNUAL TH - Southern Regional Education Board

25ANNUAL TH - Southern Regional Education Board

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FRIDAY, 2:15 P.M.REGULAR SESSIONSREGULAR SESSIONS577. Using CBI to Transition At-Risk Students to Career/TechnicalProgramsROOM: GOVERNOR’S CHAMBER EPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: L, UOBJECTIVE: 2ECODE: HS, TCLearn how one school district uses the Career-Based Instruction (CBI)concept to reduce freshman retention, engage non-traditional learners,improve career/technical program acceptance rates and raise the GPAs ofat-risk students. Data are used to identify program candidates and determinewhether intervention strategies are working.PRESENTER(S): Bobbi Briggs, Instructor, East CLC, Akron, OH578. From Bed to Beyond: The Birth of a Medical AcademyROOM: DELTA ISLAND FPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: L, SUOBJECTIVE: 2FCODE: HSStarting a career pathway in your school? Discover the steps this high schooltook to implement a medical pathway. Articulation, vertical alignment, dualcredit and standard certifications are all part of the equation. Come share in asuccess story and build your own!PRESENTER(S): Tammy Atkinson-Dayley and Eppie Rivas, Teachers;Christina Mullins, Assistant Principal; and Tom Phelps, Principal,Onate High School, Las Cruces, NM; and James Kelch, SchoolImprovement Consultant, SREB, Atlanta, GA579. The Middle Grades Advisory Program: How to Implement andAdjust Your ProgramROOM: HERMITAGE CPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: M, SUOBJECTIVE: 3BCODE: MGLearn how a high-poverty middle grades school decided to start a trueadvisory program. Participants interested in starting an advisory programor looking for ways to improve an existing program are invited to join thissession for a look at some effective strategies for their own programs!PRESENTER(S): Katherine Hart, Band Director, and Eryn Haslip, Math Teacher,Dothan City Schools, Dothan, AL580. Saving the Media Center With DataROOM: MAGNOLIA BOARDROOM BPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: L, UOBJECTIVE: 3BCODE: HS, MGSee how media specialists in one school district improved their programsthrough data comparisons and highlighted the positive attributes oftheir media centers. Each school created a brochure of its data andaccomplishments so comparisons could be made. Circulation statistics andtesting data provided a basis for media center support.PRESENTER(S): Dawn Gibbs, Library Media Specialist, Bellview Middle School,Pensacola, FLPRESIDER: Peggy Fillio, GA581. An Extra-Help Program Where Failure Is Not an OptionROOM: BAYOU E OBJECTIVE: 3CPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: M, RCODE: HSThis session will focus on how a rural high school built a successful,mandatory, after-school extra-help program that reaches all students andensures that failure is not an option. Learn how this school achieveddramatic reductions in missing assignments and class failures. An overviewwill provide strategies for a successful program.PRESENTER(S): Brad Coleman, Principal, Central R-III School District,Park Hills, MO; and David Stevens, Assistant Professor,Southeast Missouri State University, Park Hills, MO582. Ensuring Mastery of Content Through the Power of “I”ROOM: CANAL EPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: L, SUOBJECTIVE: 3CCODE: HS, MGLearn how one school had students redo over 2,000 major assessmentsin a year to master major content standards and raised the average scoreon these assessments from 57 to 86. Students no longer can “opt out” oflearning. This Power of “I” system works with unmotivated and strugglingstudents alike.PRESENTER(S): Robbie Binnicker, Principal, Wren High School, Piedmont, SC583. Schools to Watch: One School’s JourneyROOM: WASHINGTON BPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: L, ROBJECTIVE: 3CCODE: MGIn this session, participants will learn the steps and processes that a ruralmiddle grades school followed to be named a 2011 “School to Watch.” Thepresenters will describe how the school redefined aspects of school culture andhow the Schools to Watch criteria and SREB criteria fit together.PRESENTER(S): Ricky Evans, Assistant Principal, and Libba Floyd, Principal,Pickens Middle School, Pickens, SC584. Student Engagement, Motivation and ConnectionROOM: DELTA DPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 3DCODE: HS, MGExperience strategies that will engage students academically, emotionallyand behaviorally. These strategies create an encouraging and motivatingatmosphere. When students are engaged, classroom management issues arelessened or eliminated. Create a win-win for all and have fun doing it!PRESENTER(S): Betsy Varis, Tennessee Coordinator, Performance Learning Systems,West Frankfort, ILPRESIDER: Paul Doyle, TN585. It Takes a Village: Embedding Your Community to Sustain aCareer Academy ModelROOM: BAYOU CDPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: M, ROBJECTIVE: 4ACODE: HSThis presentation will include an overview of a wall-to-wall academy modelimplementation process from 2002 to the present. Presenters will describehow a rural high school has incorporated community components such asmentors, internships, business advisory boards and community partnerstudentbusiness projects.PRESENTER(S): Dana Brown, Principal; Alecia Czanstkowski, HHS Academy Leader;Kathy Gonten, ACME Academy Leader; Brigitte Shipman, AcademyCoordinator; and Kathy Wham, CAB Academy Leader, MountainHome High School, Mountain Home, AR586. School Improvement: A Journey, Not a Walk in the ParkROOM: JACKSON CDPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: L, SUOBJECTIVE: 4DCODE: HS, TCThis session is for schools starting out or having difficulty making progressin their school improvement journey. Data charts and points will be showndemonstrating how one school put practices into place, the hurdles itovercame and the progress made. Learn how the HSTW and TCTW KeyPractices, data, reports, site visits, and other models can be transformative.PRESENTER(S): Genna Suraci, Principal, Ulster County BOCES Career & Tech Center,Port Ewen, NY80 Code: HS – High School MG – Middle Grades TC – Technology CenterSL – Outstanding Educators and LeadersPresenting School: S – Small M – Medium L – LargeR – Rural Su – Suburban U – Urban

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