25ANNUAL TH - Southern Regional Education Board

25ANNUAL TH - Southern Regional Education Board

25ANNUAL TH - Southern Regional Education Board

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FRIDAY, 11 A.M.FEATURED PRESENTATIONSCURTISFRIEDELPATRICIAMILLER455. Engaging Students Intellectually, Emotionally and Behaviorally in Career/Technical <strong>Education</strong>ROOM: WASHINGTON BPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 3DCODE: HS, TCWhy does our national drop-out rate continue to increase despite a push for rigor in the classroom? It may be that thepush for improving test scores has left students feeling disinterested. Learn how to improve your students’ engagement inlearning with research-based teaching and advising practices.PRESENTER(S): Curtis Friedel, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA456. Helping Middle Grades and High School Leaders and Teachers Prepare Better AssessmentsROOM: HERMITAGE CPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 8ECODE: HS, MGDuring this session, participants will be engaged an intensive overview of the use of project-based assessments as amethod of building a culture of achievement and excellence. The presentation will use interactive collaboration tofacilitate the acquisition of proven strategies irrespective of content areas.PRESENTER(S): Patricia Hoffman Miller, Associate Dean, Prairie View A & M University, Prairie View, TXREGULAR SESSIONSREGULAR SESSIONS457. Developing High-Quality Rubrics to Align Student Work toCommon Core State StandardsROOM: LINCOLN CPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 1BCODE: HS, MG, TCStudents need roadmaps that describe the quality and quantity of worknecessary to earn an A or a B. This session will help all classroom teachersdevelop rubrics that provide students with descriptors for both the criteria tobe graded and the levels within each criteria.PRESENTER(S): Toni Eubank, Director, MMGW State Network, SREB, Atlanta, GA458. Overage Students: Stuck in the MiddleROOM: BAYOU ABPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: S, ROBJECTIVE: 2CCODE: HS, MGThis presenter will explore highlighted strategies that offer diverse approachesto minimize distractions and promote success in a focused learningenvironment. Since overage middle grades students are not a homogeneouspopulation, it is important that we do not use a one-size-fits-all approach inaddressing their needs.PRESENTER(S): Deborah Bass, School Improvement Consultant, SREB, Atlanta, GA459. Set Sail for Success: Designing and Sustaining an EffectiveNinth-Grade AcademyROOM: CANAL BPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: L, ROBJECTIVE: 2ECODE: HS, MGCome hear how a freshman academy director developed a team andsuccessful strategies not only to keep ninth-graders in school and wanting tosucceed, but also to make other grade levels envious. Now in its fourth year,Set Sail for Success continues its voyage of improving achievement.PRESENTER(S): Rachel Graham, Counselor, and Stephanie Lesley, Assistant Principal,Mary Montgomery High School, Semmes, AL; and Betty Harbin,School Improvement Consultant, SREB, Atlanta, GAPRESIDER: Allison Miller, AL460. Graduation Begins Where the Middle Grades EndROOM: CANAL EPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: M, ROBJECTIVE: 2ECODE: HSData show that higher promotion rates from ninth to 10th grade lead tohigher graduation rates and lower the dropout rates. The presenter willdescribe a strategy to increase the promotion rate from ninth to 10th gradeand how to identify and help at-risk students. Learn to build relationshipswhile increasing their academic achievement.PRESENTER(S): Travis Kemp, Ninth-Grade Academy/HSTW Coordinator,Fairmont High School, Fairmont, NCPRESIDER: Lannie Edwards, GA461. Successful Senior Projects: Creating an <strong>Education</strong>al MilestoneROOM: BAYOU EPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: S, ROBJECTIVE: 2FCODE: HSCreating a challenging senior year can be difficult. Participants will learnhow a rural high school has created a purposeful senior year. The school hasalso developed a senior project showcase that involves the entire communityin the project, the capstone to a student’s education at the school.PRESENTER(S): Marty Spence, Senior Project Coordinator, Willow Springs High School,Willow Springs, MOPRESIDER: Jimalee James, MO462. What Disengages Student Learning and What Can We DoAbout It?ROOM: DELTA ISLAND FPRESENTING SCHOOL TYPE: N/AOBJECTIVE: 3CCODE: HS, MG, TCAre your students disengaged from learning? This session will explore someof the reasons why this happens. The presenter will introduce strategiesteachers can engage to correct this situation. Getting and keeping studentsengaged in their learning is what high-performing teachers do well.PRESENTER(S): Egle Gallagher, School Improvement Consultant, SREB, Atlanta, GAPRESIDER: Anne Edison, GA68 Code: HS – High School MG – Middle Grades TC – Technology CenterSL – Outstanding Educators and LeadersPresenting School: S – Small M – Medium L – LargeR – Rural Su – Suburban U – Urban

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