Prayer Book (Read-Only) - St Dominics | Sixth Form College

Prayer Book (Read-Only) - St Dominics | Sixth Form College

Prayer Book (Read-Only) - St Dominics | Sixth Form College


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<strong>St</strong> Dominic's <strong>Sixth</strong> <strong>Form</strong> <strong>College</strong>95. This is what the Lord asks of us today: to act justly, to love tenderly and to walkhumbly with your God.96. Let us take a moment to recognise the presence of God, here today, in this classroom(pause briefly) ….. Lord God, we acknowledge that you are here with us and weask you to stay close to us for the rest of this day and for the rest of our lives.97. Creator God, you made us and we belong to you. May we not place our trust inthings, but realise that we depend upon you for everything and will find happiness indoing your will.98. Do you know who I am? Do you know my name? Can you see the lines on my face?The family starving outside the restaurants of the city – the people who are homelesswhile others have two houses – the dole queue, the forgotten old person, thestruggling widow, the lonely teenager. My face is the face of every man and womanyou see.99. Ever-living God, fill us with the spirit of your truth, love and peace. Help us to live bythe truth and enjoy the peace that only you can give.100. Lord we pray for those who are unjustly imprisoned ….. and for us who sometimesfail to value the gift of freedom and even deny it to others.101. An Irish BlessingMay the blessing of the light be with youLight outside and light within.May the sunlight shine upon you and warm your heartTill it glows like a great peat fireSo the strangers may come and warm themselves by it.May the blessed light shine out of your two eyesLike a candle set in two windows of a houseBidding the wanderer to come in out of the storm.May you ever give a kindly greeting as you go along the roads of life.102. Almighty and ever-present Father, your loving eye is always on us and even the tensionsand frustrations of life cannot destroy your plans for us. Help us to believe inyou and trust you, no matter what happens.103. Almighty God, please let me have a deep awareness of your love – and let ourfriendship grow from this.104. Almighty God, there are times when we need to turn to you and seek your forgiveness;may we offer the same love and forgiveness to those who hurt us.105. Lord we pray for any people who may be sad and forgotten by members of theirfamilies, or by their friends – may they find friends who understand and respectthem106. God of wisdom and love, from you all goodness comes; help us, who have donewrong, to return to a life of thoughtfulness and love.152. Father and lover of life,you know the depths of my innermost self,and you understand me.You protect me on every side,shielding me from all harm.When you put me togetherin my mother’s womb,you knew all about me.I thank you for the wonder of myself,and I stand in aweat all that you have made.As you know and love me,so may I come to know and love you.Guide me in your ways.153. God our Father,in good timesmay I live in such a waythat I will be strengthenedfor the difficult timesthat all of us face in our lives.Lead me nowto make positive choicesto value friendship and loyalty,and develop attitudes and values,treasuring all that is lasting and important.Throughout difficult timesmay I build onthe positive choices of my past,looking outward in the service of othersand avoiding self-pity.May I grow in the faiththat, whatever my circumstances,I need have no regretsbut may entrustmy past to your mercy,my present to your love,and my future to your Providence.Amen.154. Lord,help me not to despise or opposewhat I do not understand.155. I ask Lord for daily bread, but not for wealth, lest I forget the poor.I ask for strength, but not for power, lest I despise the meek.I ask for wisdom, but not for learning, lest I condemn the simple.I ask for a clean name, but not for fame, lest I condemn the lowly.I ask for peace of mind, but not for idle hours, lest I fail to hearken to the call of duty.Mother TeresaPage 12Page 21

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