Prayer Book (Read-Only) - St Dominics | Sixth Form College

Prayer Book (Read-Only) - St Dominics | Sixth Form College

Prayer Book (Read-Only) - St Dominics | Sixth Form College


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<strong>St</strong> Dominic's <strong>Sixth</strong> <strong>Form</strong> <strong>College</strong>24. Jesus said “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, orabout your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body ismore than clothing”.Luke 12:2225. Washing one’s hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless meansto side with the powerful not to be neutral.Brazil, Paulo Friere26. Almighty and eternal God, your love for us surpasses all our hopes and desires. Helpus to place our total confidence in you, that anxieties may not cloud our minds andwe may think only of your love and the love we should have for others.27. Philippians 4:8-9 - My brothers, fill your minds with those things that are good anddeserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honourable. Andthe God who gives us peace will be with you.28. Lord we pray for the hungry people of the world…. and for us who often eat toomuch. We pray for those who must try to survive without sufficient water …. and forus who waste it thoughtlessly. We pray for all lonely people …. and for us who fail toopen our hearts to them.29. Lord we pray for those who lack sufficient clothing to preserve their dignity…. and forus who often seek to have more than we will ever use. We pray for those who lacksufficient medical services ….. and for us who often seek an instant remedy forevery pain and ache.30. In faith and love, we ask you, Father, to watch over your family. May we learn to helpand serve one another humbly, may we die to arrogance and pride and grow inhumility and peace.31. Thank you Lord for creating us in your own image – may we try to be like you byrespecting our own dignity and the dignity of others.32. Loving Father, you are the guide and protector of all your people, female and male,poor and rich. Whatever our situation or role in life, be always near, for we place allour trust in you.33. Father, help us to respect others by being prepared to listen. Patient listening is asign of love. May we show our love for you by being quiet sometimes and allowingyou to speak to us.34. We pray for refugees, or other people who feel treated as outcasts or strangers inour communities – may we learn to relate to them as equals, with respect and acceptance.35. Jesus said: “No one can serve two masters: for a slave will either hate the one andlove the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve Godand wealth”.Matthew 6:247. EID UL-ADHA (FESTIVAL OF SACRIFICE)Bakri Id - Idul AdhaSeventy days after the feast of Eid Ul-Fitr, the feast of Bakri Id is cel­ebrated. The pilgrims whogo to Mecca for the Haj make this sacrifice at Mina; simultaneously this ceremony of sacrificeis also performed by Muslims all over, as prescribed in the Quran.Help me, Lord, to celebrate a feast or festival in two significant ways. Firstly to pay homageand worship to You, our greatest benefactor and giver of all gifts. Secondly to strengthen ourrelationship with one another since the root of worship begins and ends in You, Almighty One,Lord and God.8. GURU NANAK JAYANTIGuru Nanak was the founder of the Sikh Religion. At this festival of Guru Nanak Jayanti, thebirthday of the guru, let us reflect on the words of Guru Nanak when he says:‘What terrible separation it is to be separated from Godand what blissful union it is to be united with God!’Lord, may we offer You worship that is sincere and true. May You shower blessings onall of us. May you protect and guide us, as You are our Father; may we treat one anotheras brothers and sisters. This we humbly ask of You.9. ADVENTFather in Heaven, when Mary responded with a ‘yes’ to the message of the Angel she gave herconsent to the birth of Jesus, a child of the flesh. Help us to give our consent, to say ‘yes’ toGod so that He can take flesh in our lives and in our world of today.10. ADVENTCreator God, your Church unites in this Advent season to pray in joy-filled hope for the comingof the Lord. Acknowledge our continuing need for a Saviour whose power can defeat sin anddeath, we rejoice in your saving love for us. Help us to open our hearts to receive all that youwant to give us. May we make a new home in our hearts for God so that we may better serveothers for love’s sake.Amen.Page 4Page 29

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