Prayer Book (Read-Only) - St Dominics | Sixth Form College

Prayer Book (Read-Only) - St Dominics | Sixth Form College

Prayer Book (Read-Only) - St Dominics | Sixth Form College


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<strong>St</strong> Dominic's <strong>Sixth</strong> <strong>Form</strong> <strong>College</strong>19. GOOD FRIDAY(MEDITATION)Why call this day good?A day of violence and terrorism,of injustice and of torture,a day of hopelessness and despair.Why call it good?This day today reminds us of what is evil:the slaughter of the innocent,the arrogance of the powerful,the mockery of the good.Yet, it is Good Friday!Good because of God:good, because God's love has conquered.Courage, says the hero of this Friday,'I have overcome the world!'Lord, I pray this dayfor courage to endure what I cannot change,patience to suffer what I cannot understand,and love to know that my suffering, like yours,is never in vain.20. PASSOVER FESTIVALPassover, also known as Pesach, is an annual Jewish festival occurring in March or April whichcommemorates the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. It is named from God’s passing overthe houses of the Israelites. The eight day celebration recalls the liberation of the Jews fromslavery and their deliverance to the Promised Land of Israel. The story of the Exodus is recountedand the ongoing struggle of all peoples for freedom from internal and external tyrannyis celebrated.Lord,look upon those who keep your law in faith and in sincerity of heart.At this festival of Passover, help us to grow in love for one another,to grasp more fully the mystery of your godhead,and to become more perfect witnesses of your love in the sight of all people.We make our prayer to you the merciful and ever-living God.Introduction“We do not say: ‘My Father, who art in heaven’, or ‘Give me this day my daily bread’. Each persondoes not ask for his own sins to be forgiven only, nor does he request for himself alone not to be ledinto temptation and that he be delivered from evil. Our prayer is public for all … because we are allone.”<strong>St</strong>. Cyprian (c.200-258)From One the Lord’s prayerOur mission statement says that we are “committed to the personal and spiritual growth” of ourstudents and staff. An act of daily worship can help in this spiritual growth by:Reminding us of our need to praise and thank God for what he in his love has done for usBringing together students and staff from different faith backgrounds to overcomeobstacles and barriers which may existEncouraging the values of tolerance, respect and care for one another that helps to createcommunity and overcome tensionReminding us all of what is really important and significant in our lives, and helpingstudents to develop their own personal prayer livesHelping us to focus on the needs of othersAt <strong>St</strong> Dominic’s each day begins with a prayer at the start of the 8.45 lesson. The tutorials also beginwith a prayer.Teachers can eitherUse the prayers in this book (either leading the prayer themselves or asking a student to doso)Make up their own prayers as appropriate. This is often most effective when linked tospecific current events or concerns e.g., Middle East peace process, natural disasters, etc.Ask students, if appropriate, to prepare a prayer of their ownHave a quiet period of silent reflection/personal prayerThe prayer time only needs to last a few minutes.The prayers in this book are in no particular order and there is no need to use them in order. Pick andchoose as appropriate. At the back of the book there is a section with prayers for particular seasonsor days. If you have favourite prayers you would like to see included in the next edition, please let ushave them.The <strong>Prayer</strong> <strong>Book</strong> used at <strong>St</strong> David’s Catholic <strong>Sixth</strong> <strong>Form</strong> <strong>College</strong> in Cardiff begins with the following:“ God tirelessly calls each of us to this mysterious encounter with himself and so it is fitting thatwe should respond to this call in prayer each day. <strong>St</strong> Paul reminds us of our need to continuallypray in an unceasing manner in gratitude for what God, in his love, has done for us. We cancontinually pray if we live in the presence of God, if we stay in the awareness of God’s love forus.The work that we shall do, especially in moments of led prayer, may prove to be literally ofinfinite value to our young people who are entrusted to our care. It is in this sense that our workcan find meaning and truly be called pastoral – by uniting ourselves and our work to God”.Page 32Page 1

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