National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL

National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL

National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL


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68The <strong>National</strong> <strong>Early</strong> <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Reconstruction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Gaza</strong> <strong>2014</strong>SECTION 6: FINANCING REQUIREMENTS AND MECHANISMS6.1 Overview of Current Fiscal SituationThe Palestinian Government has made significant <strong>and</strong> continued ef<strong>for</strong>ts to improve its fiscal per<strong>for</strong>mance through revenuere<strong>for</strong>ms <strong>and</strong> expenditure limitations. In 2013, on account of these measures, the fiscal deficit declined by 2.7 percentage pointsto 13.9 percent of GDP. However, the Government’s fiscal position remains extremely fragile, highly reliant on donor support,<strong>and</strong> highly dependent on economic <strong>and</strong> political relations with Israel. By the end of 2013 public debt, including arrears <strong>and</strong>clearance revenue advances, had reached $4.6 billion, close to 40 percent of GDP.The total budget <strong>for</strong> <strong>2014</strong> was $4.4 billion, comprising 92 percent recurrent <strong>and</strong> 8 percent development expenditure. Even be<strong>for</strong>ethe <strong>National</strong> Consensus Government was <strong>for</strong>med, expenses on <strong>Gaza</strong> comprised almost 40 percent of the budget, comprisingpayments of salaries <strong>for</strong> public-sector workers; coverage of non-wage bill items like health referrals, medical supplies, <strong>and</strong> socialassistance; <strong>and</strong> coverage of fuel <strong>and</strong> net lending expenses <strong>for</strong> electricity <strong>and</strong> water. Disbursements amount to approximately$120 million on a monthly basis or $1.44 billion annually.2013 (Actual) <strong>2014</strong> (Projected) % ChangeUSD m USD m %Gross Revenues 2,687 2,923 9%Total Net Revenues 2,443 2,752 13%Total Expenditure <strong>and</strong> Net Lending 3,903 4,110 5%Of which <strong>Gaza</strong> expenditure 1,440 1,440 -Current Balance (1,460) (1,358) -7%Development Expenditures 197 316 60%Total Balance (1,657) (1,674) 1%In its September <strong>2014</strong> report to the AHLC, the IMF described the near-term fiscal outlook as challenging in any scenario, withoutaccounting <strong>for</strong> the spending needed <strong>for</strong> <strong>Gaza</strong> reconstruction. It <strong>for</strong>ecasts a fiscal gap of approximately $350 million <strong>for</strong> <strong>2014</strong>,accounting <strong>for</strong> 16.5 percent of GDP, assuming that overall donor financing will reach $1.5 billion.The July/August assault in <strong>Gaza</strong> has provided an unprecedented shock to the Government’s already strained budget position.The <strong>National</strong> Consensus Government is faced with a recovery <strong>and</strong> reconstruction bill that is equivalent to the entire <strong>2014</strong> budget,13 times the <strong>2014</strong> development budget, <strong>and</strong> over 20 times the 2013 development budget. In the absence of external support,incurring the cost of reconstruction would imply not being able to meet recurrent expenditures in the West Bank <strong>and</strong>/or up to adoubling of the existing public debt, neither of which is practically or politically possible.Given the scale <strong>and</strong> urgency of the challenge, the Government has no choice but to reach out to the international community <strong>for</strong>support with this momentous task.The Government sees the investment in <strong>Gaza</strong> as an investment in stability <strong>and</strong> the viability of a future Palestinian state. Whilst <strong>Gaza</strong>’srebuilding will be costly in the short- to medium -term, the Government’s vision <strong>for</strong> <strong>Gaza</strong> is one of sustainability <strong>and</strong> self-sufficiency,where <strong>Gaza</strong> is an integral driver of the Palestinian economy <strong>and</strong> where it contributes to the fiscal position of the Government.

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