March/April 1983 - American Handgunner

March/April 1983 - American Handgunner

March/April 1983 - American Handgunner


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ONE ROUND DIFFERENCE...Devel 8-round magazine (stripped) atleft; standard Colt .45 mag at right.NOW AN EIGHT-SHOTMAGAZINE FOR C.T .45 AUTOSBy David M. Armstrongquired special attention: the magazinehousing, follower and spring.The magazine housing was redesignedfrom slightly lighter weight sheet steel,formed and tempered to exacting specifi-cations. Incorporating longer feed lips thatdo not interfere with the motion of theslide, this new magazine housing and feedsystem has proven to be functionally relia-Devel Corporation, a firm known forits quality custom conversions onthe Smith &. Wesson M39 and M59 semiautomatic9mm pistols, has introduced anew magazine for the Colt GovernmentModel and Commander .45 ACP pistols.The new magazine is identical in size tothe standard Colt seven-shot magazine,but has a capacity of eight rounds.It was designed by Charles C. Kelsey Jr.,president of Devel Corporation, andNational Guard MTU (MarksmanshipTraining Unit) armorer SSgt. John M.Miller.Miller, whose quality combat conversionsof IPSC (International PracticalShooting Federation) pistols have earnedhim a reputation with many police aQdmilitary organizations, provided Kelseywith some of the basic fundamentalsrequired to develop the new Devel conversionsfor the Colt .45 ACP system. The newmagazine, however, is basically the resultof Kelsey's own ingenuity as a firearmsdesigner.AMERICAN HANDGUNNER· MARCH/APRIL <strong>1983</strong>The design of the new Devel conversionsof the Colt .45 auto is centeredaround the need to increase its cartridgecapacity, without altering the frame. To accomplishthis, the magazine had to be redesignedto hold one extra round, withoutsacrificing additional length at its base. Allthree com ponents of the magazine re-The same size as theconventional sevenroundtype, it hasproven its reliability instiff competition.ble and adequatelydurable. Adding to thereliable operation of the magazine is thefollower design and magazine spring.Continued on page 87Ken Hackathorn tests Basic ConcealmentCarry Devel conversion with new mag.33

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