March/April 1983 - American Handgunner

March/April 1983 - American Handgunner

March/April 1983 - American Handgunner


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arrel rifling all the way to the muzzle.Loss of velocity-due to barrel frictionalsois reduced, since the skirt is selflubricating;and it eliminates stripping(barrel deposits), for consistent accuracyand less barrel cleaning.90\CustomPistolsJ. MICHAEL PLAXCO-.,_"'" Highest quality workmanship by a championcompetitor:• Member World Champion USA IPSC "Gold"Pistol Team, 1982• Twice Winner Mid-Winter TargetworldChampionship, 1980 and 1982.• Third Place in USA IPSC Nationals, 1981Developer of the Plaxco Compensator SystemFor more information and gun specifications:J. Michael Plaxco, Rt. I Box 203Roland, Arkansas 72135 501-868-9787Doesn't Think Lead Bullet SelectionShould be a CompromiseThe Alberts line of swaged lead pistolbullets now totals 18, from .32 and .380to .45. And, later in the year, 3 newdesigns will be introduced! IPre-Iubed, subject to the most exacting 1"quality control standards, and competi- ~tively priced, Alberts bullets have establishednew performance standards.For complete information send $ .50 for{)urlatest brochure and Loading Data - 8 infopacked pages. For another $ .25 you canorder a 5" decal for your equipment box.THE ALBERTSCORPORArIONP.O. Box 233 • Budd Lake, NJ 07828In flight, the pellet-with its highlypolished head and ballistically soundshape-reduces air friction, maintainstrue gyroscopic ability and retainsgreater initial velocity than other pellets,according to the manufacturer.For more information, write the U.S.distributor, Barnett International, Inc.,POB 226 (AH), Port Huron, MI 48060.STOPPING POWERContinuedfrom page 68•Stopping power isphysiological shock' .I would like to comment on yourseries on handgun stopping powerIt is my experience that few peopleknow what stopping power is. Yet.this doesn't stop them from givingopinions about it. testing it. orwriting about it. This creates greatconfusion.Stopping power is physiologicalshock to the nervous system. Youmay have experienced it. Have youever hit your "funny bone?" Haveyou ever been punched in the solarplexus? You are temporarilyparalyzed: the same effect ashandgun stopping power Once thisis understood. it becomes obviousthat any test claiming to measurestopping power, made on inanimatetargets such as gelatin, is not valid,Stopping power can never bepreCise-only generalized-becausepeople's nervous systems vary andare altered by physical. emotionaland mental state. Drugs can easilymake a person immune to stoppingpower, as many police officers havefoundThe best target for such tests isthe woodchuck. That's how Iconducted my 9mm vs 45 tests,Using 115-grain and 200-9rain JHPsContinued on page 92AMERICAN HANDGUNNER . MARCH/APRIL <strong>1983</strong>

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